更新於 2024/09/08閱讀時間約 10 分鐘

【 30 天英文自學計畫 】用Chat GPT快速摘要李安於威尼斯影展的金句! #DAY 18 #免費講座資訊見文末

香港演員梁朝偉在第 80屆「威尼斯雙年展國際電影節」上,從導演李安手中接下「終身成就金獅獎」,成為首位得獎的華人演員。今天我將來分享如何透過Chat GPT 快速摘要這些內容吧

步驟一:安裝Chat GPT 擴充功能

首先,我們先找到這個 Chrome名為「YouTube & Article Summary powered by ChatGPT」的擴充功能,它提供了以下三個好處,也是免付費的軟體:

  1. 節省時間:安裝這個外掛程式後,當你在觀看 YouTube 影片時,只需點擊外掛程式的圖示,即可使用 ChatGPT 的能力快速生成影片的摘要,免去觀看完整影片的時間。
  2. 學習效率提升:這個外掛程式利用 ChatGPT 模型生成影片摘要,幫助你快速掌握影片的主要內容和要點。不論是學習新知識、研究特定主題還是追蹤感興趣的內容,它能提高學習效率,讓你專注於自己最感興趣的部分。
  3. 方便使用:作為一個瀏覽器擴充功能,這個外掛程式可以輕鬆安裝和使用。當你觀看 YouTube 影片或搜索特定內容時,只需點擊外掛程式圖示,即可使用 ChatGPT 的對話界面。你可以輕鬆提問、探索更多相關資訊,讓學習和獲取資訊變得更加便利。

總之,「YouTube & Article Summary powered by ChatGPT」這個外掛程式帶來了三個好處:節省時間、提升學習效率和方便使用。它利用 ChatGPT 的能力,讓你快速獲得 YouTube 影片的摘要,讓學習和資訊搜尋更加高效。


點擊右上角 "View AI Summary"點擊右上角的「View AI Summary」後,這個擴充功能會利用 ChatGPT 的能力,幫助你挑出這個演講的幾個重點。它會分析演講的內容,提供一個摘要或概述,讓你快速了解演講的主要內容和要點。透過這個功能,你可以省去閱讀或觀看整篇演講的時間,直接獲得演講的核心內容。這對於想要快速了解演講內容或需要迅速掌握重要資訊的人來說非常有用。你可以透過 ChatGPT 的摘要功能,快速掌握演講的重點,並在短時間內獲得所需的資訊。那我們現在來看看 這Chat GPT 生成的幾個關於這場演講的重點吧!

  • Actor Tony Leung received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Venice Film Festival.
  • Director Ang Lee presented the award and praised Tony Leung's versatile acting abilities and the depth he brings to his roles.
  • Ang Lee shared personal anecdotes about Tony Leung's dedication and kindness on set.
  • Tony Leung expressed his gratitude to his wife, family, fans, and the Hong Kong film industry for their support.
  • The award signifies recognition not only of Tony Leung's talent but also the impact he has had on the film industry.



Speaking from my personal experience, Tony is a director's dream. There's something in his eyes that's electrifying, not just his physical eyes or skill, but the soul that shines through them. 

從我個人(和他合作的) 經驗來說,他真的是導演的夢幻人選,他的眼神真的會震撼人心,我說的不僅是他的電眼或演技,從中看到的靈魂是如此 。

  • From one’s experience 從...的經驗 
  • electrifying 令人激動的、振奮人心的 
  • shines through 體現
  • E.g. She is a quiet woman but her passion shines through in her music. (她是一個安靜的女人,但是她的激情在音樂中體現了出來。)

這段話李安使用了兩個與「引誘」有關的單字,其他類似的單字還有 tempt (動詞)、allure (名詞)

He can say more in one look than many actors can with a full monologue. That's a soul that can entice you to dream and imagine through him. He's the kind of actor who lured the best and the worst out of you, which for a director is actually the same thing.


  • entice 誘使、引誘 (v.)
  • enticement 誘惑 (n.)
  • lure 誘惑、引誘 (v.) (n.)
  • 例句:People are being enticed away from the profession by higher salaries elsewhere. (別處更加豐厚的薪水誘使人們辭職另謀高就。)
這段話運用了The + 比較級... , the + 比較級...的句型,可以用力強化論點的張力

The deeper he dives into a role, the more he seduces you to push for more, and that takes a part of you. I can only imagine that he likes suffering as an artist. 

是沉浸在角色中,就是引誘你更突破自我,最後更帶走了你的一部分。我只能猜測,他其實很享受藝術家痛苦的過程 。

  • The + 比較級... , the + 比較級...   越...越...
  • suffer 經歷、承受 (痛苦、折磨) 
  • 例句:The more he invested in acquiring new knowledge, the more fulfilled he became. (當他越是投入學習新知,他越感到有成就。)


We always think that directors help actors, but sometimes it's the other way around. That really gave me strength. It's both terrifying and meaningful when someone that good and genuine embodies a hidden part of you.


  • it's the other way around 恰恰相反
  • 例句:In this experiment, we expected the temperature to rise with increased pressure, but it's the other way around – the temperature actually decreases as the pressure goes up. (他們抵達目的地後,原本認為會下雨的天氣情況完全相反,陽光燦爛,天朗氣清。這正是相反的情況。)

這邊再補充一個也是常見的片語,be willing to...意思是樂於、願意從事某件事情,這句話也是我認為本場金句 "He's like water filling the lowest places without striving, and he serves."

His willingness to constantly share that vulnerability is what makes him so great. It appears to me he doesn't do it for the credit; he's like water filling the lowest places without striving, and he serves.


  • willingness 意願、心甘情願 (n.)
  • vulnerability 脆弱性  (n.)
  • vulnerable 脆弱的、易受攻擊的 (a.) 
  • 例句:If you're willing to fly at night, you can get a much cheaper ticket.
  • 如果你願意夜裡乘飛機,就能買到更便宜的機票。


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