(16) Clear

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#They all use mechanical translation, and my English is not good.

The following words are from the Perception Life Quotes quotes "People have consciousness, but many people should be aware of something, but again and again they leave it behind as if it doesn't exist. [On the road of life, we are all running, we are always catching up with some people, and we are always being surpassed by some people. The essence of life is to enjoy the scenery along the way, and second, to reach the distant destination; The secret of life is to find a speed that suits you best, not to be overwhelmed by illness, not to waste your life because of slowness; The happiness of life is to go your own way, to see your own scenery, to surpass others without being happy, and to surpass others without losing your ambition. ] [When you are happy, you have to think that this happiness is not eternal.] When you are in pain, you have to think that this pain is not eternal.] [Try to enrich yourself as much as possible.] Don't stop learning. No matter what you are learning, language, cooking, all kinds of skills. ] [Life can be arrogant, frustrated, cola, painful, ridiculous, and crying, but it can't be ordinary, can't be bland, and can't be boring.] ] [I slowly learned that many things can only be owned once; I slowly learned that two people who are together every day are not necessarily mobile phones that others use to find you when they have something, not to make friends, and may be nothing; I slowly learned that I was emotional; I slowly learned that happiness often comes from memories, and pain often comes from the gap between memories and reality. ] [Everyone has life, but not everyone understands life and even cherishes it.] For those who do not understand life, life is a punishment for him. ] [Arrogant people are saved, inferior people are not saved, know yourself, surrender yourself, change yourself, in order to change others.] ] [Life is like a play, but unfortunately there is no rehearsal, no playback, and when the performance is at the end, you can't watch it back.] ] [When you have determined your principles, don't give in again and again, learn to say no, learn to be yourself] [You have to figure out your life, it's not a sequel to your parents, it's not a prequel to your children, it's not a side story of your friends, you have to rely on yourself to write your own unique story] [People are afraid of pain, and then look at the injuries on the body, but after success, they are actually full of coolness] [A lot of times it's not what you've done, it's what you've not done yet] [Don't be too entangled in the present, don't worry too much about the future, when you have experienced some things, and then look back, you will find that those worries at the beginning are just like that] [The world is neither complicated nor strange, it is strange and complicated, it is the people who cause disputes] [No matter how good you are, there will always be people who turn a blind eye to you, no matter how unbearable you are, there will be people who treat you as the only one] [You fail once, and you can see the people who continue to support you.] You are ugly once, and you can see people who still like you. If you are ruined once, you can find out who is staying, and it is a good thing that you are down, and you can see many things clearly. ] [Weak people want things to be simpler, brave people make themselves stronger] "Understanding and remembering are different, you understand, but it's useless if you don't write it down, only by remembering can you change. 」 How much of it is in it that you already understand? So why not face it?

QwQ what on earth am i writing

一切所以,又或者其他,但誰又明白? 奧妙中的無知,盛大中的秘密。

彌生雪的沙龍 的其他內容
(15) Gods For humans, a god is not only a noble being, but also a "god who can let humans off their guard and trust" I have often wondered what man i
(14) Purpose Study and reading, attitude and grades. These have been controversial, why study? Reading is the only way to learn? Is it important to h
(13) True or false Life, action, emotions, other... I don't know, I don't know, is it the right choice or wrong to live? How much of a person's action
(12) Rules I was building sandcastles on the beach, and I didn't know what I needed to build, so I used a "foundation" first, and before the foundati
(11) Meditation Leisurely, leisurely on the overpass at Dajia Railway Station, leaning on the railing to watch the sunset, blowing the evening breeze,
(10) Dreams  Keep your eyes open   See the sunset of pink oranges and the cool wind There are purple trees dropping hot ice cubes next to
(15) Gods For humans, a god is not only a noble being, but also a "god who can let humans off their guard and trust" I have often wondered what man i
(14) Purpose Study and reading, attitude and grades. These have been controversial, why study? Reading is the only way to learn? Is it important to h
(13) True or false Life, action, emotions, other... I don't know, I don't know, is it the right choice or wrong to live? How much of a person's action
(12) Rules I was building sandcastles on the beach, and I didn't know what I needed to build, so I used a "foundation" first, and before the foundati
(11) Meditation Leisurely, leisurely on the overpass at Dajia Railway Station, leaning on the railing to watch the sunset, blowing the evening breeze,
(10) Dreams  Keep your eyes open   See the sunset of pink oranges and the cool wind There are purple trees dropping hot ice cubes next to
Google News 追蹤
人生有兩條路 一條用"心"走,叫"夢想" 一條用"腳"走,叫"現實" 心走太快會迷路,腳走太快會摔跤 每一步都有意義 暫時的迷路跟摔跤都不會是難題 難題是自己不知道心跟腳有沒有打結
人生最重要的就是…… 學會分辨那些人、事是重要的 及那些人、事是不重要的 這幾句話似乎是廢話 但其實不然 因為很多人總是會將一些不是那麼重要的人 說了幾句話就影響到自身的心情與情緒 甚至於忙著去跟對方解釋、說明 這是很浪費時間與精神的 人這一生就只活這一次 真的沒必要浪費那麼多寶貴時間 在一些真的
最近看到一個讓我印象深刻的道理,想與大家分享,也很想記下這刻感觸、頓悟。 那個智者的話是這樣說:我們人生走著走著,受到社會大眾的風氣影響,就會想要追求財富、名聲、地位、權勢,過上一個更好的生活。但在追求的過程中,也很容易產生求之不得的苦。 漸漸的因為眼光放在這些目標上,就容易失去真正的自我,這些
停不下來 也無法回頭 無論是好是壞 過去就過去了 不要被那些錯過的遺憾 牽絆住 請對過往的自己釋懷 也用體恤的心情 看待還在探索人生道路的年輕靈魂 這世上再美好與再槽糕的事情都ㄧ樣 過去了 便無法重來 唯一能做的 就是繼續向前走
人生有兩條路 一條用"心"走,叫"夢想" 一條用"腳"走,叫"現實" 心走太快會迷路,腳走太快會摔跤 每一步都有意義 暫時的迷路跟摔跤都不會是難題 難題是自己不知道心跟腳有沒有打結
人生最重要的就是…… 學會分辨那些人、事是重要的 及那些人、事是不重要的 這幾句話似乎是廢話 但其實不然 因為很多人總是會將一些不是那麼重要的人 說了幾句話就影響到自身的心情與情緒 甚至於忙著去跟對方解釋、說明 這是很浪費時間與精神的 人這一生就只活這一次 真的沒必要浪費那麼多寶貴時間 在一些真的
最近看到一個讓我印象深刻的道理,想與大家分享,也很想記下這刻感觸、頓悟。 那個智者的話是這樣說:我們人生走著走著,受到社會大眾的風氣影響,就會想要追求財富、名聲、地位、權勢,過上一個更好的生活。但在追求的過程中,也很容易產生求之不得的苦。 漸漸的因為眼光放在這些目標上,就容易失去真正的自我,這些
停不下來 也無法回頭 無論是好是壞 過去就過去了 不要被那些錯過的遺憾 牽絆住 請對過往的自己釋懷 也用體恤的心情 看待還在探索人生道路的年輕靈魂 這世上再美好與再槽糕的事情都ㄧ樣 過去了 便無法重來 唯一能做的 就是繼續向前走