Yeah this is no place for fear Everybody just listen up Feel this One two three and come on
Hit it drop it wreck it tonight I'll never quit this Hit it drop it wreck it tonight You will respect this Yo no doubt 我是你身體不斷噴發的信號 指揮每根神經跟着節奏脈搏起跳 快啓動 挺起肩膀拋開煩惱 閒言碎語降低音量一擊一舉 加氣壓不停下 成功或失敗 都用汗水買個lesson 我全心做夢 就不怕沒人會listen 淡泊的期望和無為是all you see I don't say 用行動讓全世界hear my nameWhy not 我早已準備好了絕不後退 Why not 不要想太多就聽我口令 Why not 內心的野獸終於展開了羽翼 Why why why why
why not Come on 沉默已很久但堅定不移 Why not 大腦不停吶喊我都可以的話語 Why not 這心臟的節拍敲打出你的心意 Why not Why not tell me something
You'll see you'll be saying lo and behold ye yeah I wanna show you how I have become me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Right now my life ain't easy Right now I'm finally breathing Oh I left fear at the door All I hear is my heartbeat
大腦的疑慮 擾亂了my goal 不甘落下前路漫漫橫跨斷崖conquer 去屏息緊握每個機會 別趴下 只活一次快給未來加速加碼let it go
Oh beat your fate確定目標出擊 是時候 Oh beat your fate邁步才知夠不夠 Oh beat your fate Now對所有常規都say no Everyday現在就 大膽出手
Your desire like the fire Fix me babe build me babe be be be be be
You got to show me now
P.S 這段時間的狀況很不好,唯一慶幸的是睡眠沒有受到太大的影響,估計再過一週左右應該就會再穩定點;但應該發文的頻率會降低,盡量先保持跟格友們的互動👊👊👊