2024-06-18|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 45 分鐘

教育類考題會是你的弱項嗎?IELTS Speaking Part 3範例

Part 3

Q1: What key subjects should modern primary education provide?

Apart from traditional subjects like math and literature, I believe modern elementary curriculum should include nutrition and social interaction. Nutrition teaches children about healthy eating habits from an early age. This can help prevent issues like childhood obesity and poor diets. Social interaction skills are vital for developing effective communication abilities. Children need to learn how to cooperate, share, and resolve conflicts peacefully.

Meanwhile, art, music, and drama should get more emphasis as they nurture imagination and self-expression in children whereas physical education remains indispensable. For instance, painting and crafting boost creativity, while music and theater help build confidence. As for physical activity, simple exercises like skipping ropes or playground games can instill an active lifestyle from childhood.


  • How do you think nutrition education can be effectively integrated into the curriculum?
  • You mentioned social interaction skills are important. Can you elaborate on some specific activities that could help primary school children develop these skills?
  • Do you think there are any subjects that are currently included in the curriculum that could be removed to make space for new ones?

Q2: What are the most effective ways to motivate teenagers to study traditional subjects like literature and math?

One effective way to motivate teenagers to study traditional subjects like literature and math is by making the subjects relevant to their lives. Teachers can show how literature and math are used in real-world situations, such as understanding stories in movies or managing personal finances. Using interesting and interactive methods like games or group projects can also help. Encouraging students to set personal goals and rewarding them for their achievements can be motivating. Providing positive feedback and support is important as well. Teachers and parents should create a supportive environment where students feel comfortable asking questions. Inviting guest speakers who use literature and math in their careers can inspire students. Lastly, making learning fun and engaging will keep teenagers interested in these subjects.


Q3: What are some challenges facing higher education in your country?


Higher education in my country has several challenges. One challenge is the high cost of tuition. Many students find it difficult to pay for their education. Scholarships and financial aid are limited. Another issue is the quality of education. Some universities do not have enough resources, such as modern facilities and experienced professors. This affects the learning experience. There is also a challenge with the job market. Graduates often struggle to find jobs that match their qualifications. This can make higher education seem less valuable. Finally, there is a problem with access. Not everyone has the opportunity to attend university, especially students from rural areas. These challenges make it harder for students to succeed in higher education.



One big challenge in higher education is the quality of education. In Taiwan, some universities face issues with outdated facilities and a lack of experienced faculty. For example, smaller universities or those in less urban areas may not have the latest technology or sufficient laboratory equipment. This affects students in science and engineering programs who need hands-on experience. Additionally, there is a shortage of qualified professors in specialized fields. Sometimes, this means that classes are taught by less experienced instructors. This can impact the depth and quality of the learning process. For instance, a recent report showed that several universities in Taiwan had to rely on adjunct professors for core courses. This reliance on temporary staff can affect the continuity and consistency of the education provided. Addressing these issues is crucial for improving the overall educational experience in Taiwan's higher education system.



One challenge in Taiwan's higher education system is the pressure on public universities. Many students prefer public universities because they are more affordable and often have a better reputation. This leads to intense competition for admission. On the other hand, private universities often struggle with low enrollment. High tuition fees and a perception of lower quality discourage students from applying. For instance, public universities in Taiwan like National Taiwan University have acceptance rates as low as 10%, while many private institutions have vacant seats. This imbalance creates significant pressure on students to perform well on entrance exams to secure a spot in public universities. As a result, high school students experience enormous stress, often attending additional cram schools to improve their chances. This competition can also limit the opportunities for holistic learning, as students focus mainly on test preparation. I think addressing this issue requires balancing the appeal and quality of both public and private universities to reduce pressure on the system.


Q4: What role do peer relationships play in the development of teenagers?

Peer relationships play a very important role in the development of teenagers. Friends often influence their behavior and attitudes. Through peer relationships, teenagers learn social skills like communication, empathy, and teamwork. Spending time with peers helps them understand different perspectives and deal with conflicts. Positive peer relationships can boost their confidence and self-esteem. Friends can offer support and encouragement during difficult times. Teenagers often share interests and hobbies with their friends, which can make learning and activities more enjoyable. Peer pressure can sometimes lead to risky behavior, but it can also motivate teenagers to adopt good habits. Overall, having strong peer relationships helps teenagers grow into well-rounded individuals.


Q5: How important is it for teenagers to have extracurricular activities?

Engaging in extracurricular activities brings many benefits to teenagers. These activities allow them to explore their interests outside of regular school subjects. Teenagers can develop new skills, such as playing a musical instrument or participating in sports. Involvement in such activities also helps them make friends who have similar interests. It builds their confidence and teaches valuable lessons in teamwork and leadership. Balancing schoolwork with hobbies can improve their time management skills. Extracurricular activities provide a healthy break from academic stress, making life more enjoyable. These experiences help teenagers become more well-rounded and prepared for future challenges. Often, they discover their passions and talents through these opportunities.


Q6: How can technology enhance the learning experience of teenagers?

Technology can greatly enhance the learning experience of teenagers in various ways. Firstly, it provides access to a vast amount of information and resources online. Teenagers can use the internet to research topics and find materials that support their learning. Interactive educational apps and software make learning more engaging and enjoyable. They can practice skills like math or language through interactive exercises and games. Technology also allows for personalized learning experiences tailored to each student's pace and learning style. Virtual classrooms and online courses offer flexibility in scheduling and access to experts worldwide. Video conferencing tools enable students to collaborate on projects with peers from different locations. Furthermore, educational videos and tutorials help teenagers understand complex concepts visually. Overall, technology empowers teenagers to learn independently and explore subjects in depth.


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