
更新於 2020/03/25閱讀時間約 12 分鐘


不知道這是身為華人家庭的驕傲或者是悲哀?根據聯合國最新估計,截止目前世界人口已達75億。中國以14億居第一。而在一些優秀的好家庭中,小孩子從小在學校就是聽從老師教導、在家就是父母說的對。事業是這樣,父母期待他們的小孩子在乎只是學校成績,考第幾名? 希望他要優秀,這樣將來才會有成就。而從來不問過小孩子從小想成為什麼? 難道只有成為一名醫師才讓你感到驕傲嗎?在婚姻上,大部分父母主導甚至參與小孩子這輩子的幸福。你要把自己的一輩子的幸福建立在父母期盼上嗎?交在父母的手上嗎?當一輩子的媽寶嗎?是因為害怕失敗或者感恩父母。或者自己決定,但你自己準備好了嗎?我告訴自己的會員們,不管誰決定你的婚姻,最後成敗都是你自己承擔。最近看了一齣中國愛情戲”許你浮生若夢”因為兩個家庭背景相當,所以父母也要他們的下一代結婚,但下一代的子女並不相愛。男生父親是警察局長所以也命令他的小孩也接他的事業,但他兒子卻想成為一名醫師,而愛上了一個氣質非凡的國劇女子,但國劇女子師傅從小培養她,一直反對她愛上那個想成為醫師的男生,一直告訴她,她做錯事,因為她師傅私下要偷偷把自己兒子娶她” 你怎麼想呢? 怎樣的你想過這一生? 難道你不知道在法律超過18歲了,長大了!人生就是這樣,你若對它微笑,它會還你一個春光燦爛,你若對它抱有負面情緒,那麼它也會毫不留情給你無止境苦難,讓迷失自己的你找不到歸途。掌握”春天”是自己。上天給我們在人生的功課。
最後上帝說” 我們行善不可喪志,因為若不灰心,到了適當的時候就有收成。
加拉太書 6:9
April Yang
Translation by Andy Hogan
Living As Myself
I don’t know, is it pride or sadness that I’m from a Chinese family? According to new estimates from the UN, the world has a population of 7.5 billion people; 1.4 of whom are Chinese. There are more Chinese in the world than any other ethnicity. To be considered a good, or excellent Chinese family, the children are obedient in their schooling and submissive to their parents. The same obedience is true for careers as well. As students, the parents main concern is for the child to earn excellent grades, and to place high in their testing scores. Parents believe this is the only way for their child to find success in their futures. The parents never stop to think about, or to ask their children what they want to become. Is your child becoming a doctor the only thing that will make you proud of her or him? In marriage, parents also want to have control of how their child seeks happiness. Do you want to build your happiness on the expectations of your parents? Do you want to place everything in the hands of your parents? Do you want to be a mama’s child forever? Do you want to live in fear of disappointing or gratifying them? Or do you want to make your own decisions?
Are you ready for this? I’d like to tell all the group members, it doesn’t matter how your marriage is decided. In the end, success or failure is your responsibility. Recently, I watched a Chinese love story called, “Granting A Dreamlike Life.” There were two families with similar backgrounds, and so the parents wanted their children to marry each other. However, that generation of children didn’t have feelings of love for each other. The father was the police chief and he commanded that his son grow up to take his position. The police chief’s son, however, wanted to become a doctor. The son fell in love with an exceptionally gifted female student of Chinese National Drama. The girl’s teacher, who had raised her from childhood, did not want her to be with the boy who wanted to become a doctor. The teacher constantly told the girl she was making a big mistake. In actuality, the teacher had a son that he secretly wanted to marry the girl. What do you think about that? What kind of a life do you think that is? Don’t you know that according to the law, someone who is older than 18 is an adult! That’s life; if you offer a smile, it will give you a brilliant springtime in return. If you offer negative emotions, life will return merciless, and lasting hardships that give you, the one who has lost self, nowhere to return. Grabbing that brilliant springtime means being my authentic self. God has given us life that teaches these lessons.
When I stayed with an American family that I met, they treated their children like other citizens of the democratic society. They respected the decisions of their children. They allowed their children to speak their opinions. But they also held their children responsible for the decisions they made. We are all humans with souls. Those with souls should possess freedom. Once I asked my American family mother, who was a grandmother, if I could take her three-year-old granddaughter out to play. She answered, “Let Jannet (the granddaughter) decide if she wants to go out with you.”
If a person wants to learn how to ice skate, that person has to be prepared to fall on the ice. If a person wants to make dreams happen, whether it’s dreams in a career, or dreams in a marriage, whether they are big or small, what matters is the effort you put forth to make a better you. When you have a dream in your heart, you have to take action to make it happen. You have to make a voice for yourself, walk your own road, and shine forth your own brilliance. Remember, every beautiful butterfly had to first, break free from its own cocoon. My wish is that all of you can live the way that makes you happy. In conclusion, God said, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9
April Yang
    我是April, 畢業於 Utah Valley University, 擁有英國心理諮詢師執照, 愛戀天使工作室負責人,輔導個案多年。
    April 的其他內容
    有些男女生只適合當朋友,沒有婚姻緣 淒淒復淒淒,嫁娶不須啼。願得一心人,白頭不相離”
    為自己的黑歷史找到真正的自己吧! 那才是最重要的。經歷比結局更重要!
    有些男女生只適合當朋友,沒有婚姻緣 淒淒復淒淒,嫁娶不須啼。願得一心人,白頭不相離”
    為自己的黑歷史找到真正的自己吧! 那才是最重要的。經歷比結局更重要!
    Google News 追蹤
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    圖片 現在台灣也逐漸朝著雙語國家的目標前進著,英文是我們從小就必備的課程之一,但學了這麼多年,你的英語程度如何呢? 根據台灣一直以來的英語教育,我們在文法與閱讀上安排了大量的訓練,說穿了就是培育了良好的考試能力。然而實戰時卻說不出具有架構性的英文,學英文的目的到底是甚麼? 我的個人部落格→YC T
    依稀記得當時,為了學好英文,也是買了小小筆記本抄寫不會的單字,現在看來,當時還是脫離不了考試導向的學習方式,明明人都已在國外了,只要開口不斷的說,不怕丟臉的說,就會有飛躍的進步,但是當時年紀小哪懂得那麼多, 語言學習的所有觀念全部來自於出國前的學校教育,除了背還是背。結果形成一個詭異的生活模式...
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    圖片 現在台灣也逐漸朝著雙語國家的目標前進著,英文是我們從小就必備的課程之一,但學了這麼多年,你的英語程度如何呢? 根據台灣一直以來的英語教育,我們在文法與閱讀上安排了大量的訓練,說穿了就是培育了良好的考試能力。然而實戰時卻說不出具有架構性的英文,學英文的目的到底是甚麼? 我的個人部落格→YC T
    依稀記得當時,為了學好英文,也是買了小小筆記本抄寫不會的單字,現在看來,當時還是脫離不了考試導向的學習方式,明明人都已在國外了,只要開口不斷的說,不怕丟臉的說,就會有飛躍的進步,但是當時年紀小哪懂得那麼多, 語言學習的所有觀念全部來自於出國前的學校教育,除了背還是背。結果形成一個詭異的生活模式...