「動詞+掉」的語法,不是固有的台語語法,正確的是要用「燒-sak」!sak的用字《台日典》也是用俗字,也就是音假!【捒】,取「束」sok ->sak! 它的訓讀字可以用「摔」字!最常用的詞彙是丟棄義的「tan3-sak」
一,also (Cn.泉州音), =A.siak(廈門音), to dash; to strike hard. 摔義
- 【pàng-sak】放~, to abandon, as a person whom we ought to serve or protect; to reject, as customs, tenets, or occupation.
- 【khì-sak】棄~(r.少用), to abandon, as a person whom we ought to serve or protect; to reject, as customs, tenets, or occupation.
- 【sià-sak】卸~, to lay down, as a load too heavy to carry; to throw away things to lighten a vessel; to sell at a sacrifice; to throw up the management of an affair that is growing troublesome or dangerous.
- 【siah-sak】削~, to scrape off and throw away, as skins of roots, etc.
- 【piaⁿ-piaⁿ-sak-sak】傍傍搠搠,m̄-chêng m̄-goān(=siak), throwing things about in a pet or rage.(註:這個才=siak,前一個釋義 是sak,推)
- 【tàn-sak】擲~(Cn.泉州腔), to throw away.
- 【kere2-sak】解~(改)(Cn.), to change, as bad habit.
- 【soé-sak】洗~(T.同安腔), to wash and throw away the washings; to kill; to exterminate.