【三顧茅蘆,被看見的美】"請邀請我" 。投射者俱樂部
I watch people, they come into human design and they learn a little bit of this and a little bit of that. And I watch them. And they are not operating correctly. They’re not. And it is not like that me sitting in judgment of them, it’s simply that, they’re still not self. What to do? What to do? It’s the power of the mind! Your mind holds you hostage, all the time! And I see how in these beings there is this part in them, this earnestness, you know, really wanting to do something with their lives and at the same time, you know, they have been through whatever the knowledge could reveal to them of their design and recognize its inherent truth, they want to do something about it, they dabble! Sorry! Sorry! See, they don’t live it. It’s the commitment to the experiment. It isn’t about anything else.
It’s about making the commitment to the experiment. And let your mind do whatever your mind does when you make the commitment to the experiment. Because otherwise, there’s no value in any of this for you. There isn’t. It’s extraordinary to learn human design as you live your own. Because then you take in the information in the way it's intended to be taking in. That, instead of the details that you're looking at now, is the acute perception that can come later. How different your understanding of the mechanics when you yourself are mechanically correct. But to live it!