Wei murmur| #4_Bye 2022. Hello 2023

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Pics from https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/11449874-bye-2022-hello-2023-merry-christmas-and-happy-new-year-lettering-winter-holiday-greeting-card-xmas-quotes-and-phrases-illustration-set-typography-collection-for-banners-postcard-greeting-cards
Time flies. It's the end of 2022. The only word to represent 2022 is "Change".
Originally, the life is always the same (stable?). Boss is still bossy. Customer is still friendly to me. Audit always run smoothly. Stakeholders... uhm.... some are not reasonable, but most are OK to communicate with. No new things to learn, no difficult thing to stuck me. It looks good. Right?
One day, my classmate delivers my CV to a company without my permission. Then, change starts.....
Before welcome 2023, I wanna recap my 2022.
2 Qualcomm audits.
Still in COVID. No customer is allowed in FAB. In many calls and making video to support customer audits.
Damn it. We have to learn how to code a IT program to make report automatically.
New experience that we could WFH.
Got good money bonus from current company and it make me get higher package from next company. Lucky and appreciate!
Happy CNY from Jan. 31~Feb. 6.
衛武營走春 on Feb. 5th.
No audit this month, but prepare a big Qualcomm audit in Mar..
Stuck in coding IT program.
Take 2nd vaccine and have 2-day break.
No idea why we have to do meaningless in-line 5S audit in day/night shift. Almost be off around 21:00 after night shift audit.
Finish 1st interview with A*** company.
Done a 3-day Qualcomm audit. Still be smoothly. My boss is satisfied and also recognize I am good at that.
Done a Broadcom audit. Still be smoothly. All are on track.
Finish 2nd interview with A*** comapny on Mar. 3rd and negociate pay and job grade.
KH Power down on Mar. 3rd and almost show down my video interview.
Unexpectedly, they fulfill all my requirements and issued offer soon.
To leave or Not to leave, it is a diffcult question.
Discuss with many many many persons. Not only family members, but also friends. Finally, 90% recommend to try it since it's a rare opptunity and then..... I resign the company where I stay 5 years. Luckily, I got 6,500 bonus points to store in my iPass. Of course, everyone is shock and no one dare to share this news to customer. Funny... XD.
Even though I am going to leave, I still finish 1 audit in Apr. Still good result.
My boss talked to me and asky me why to leave. Well...they could understand that current pay is so low and is not competitive with other company. Then I start my personal leaves in April 15. Finish the 5-year journey on Apr. 25th in that company.
During off days, stay home to prevent to get COVID.
Go to Tainan to look for place to rent.
Sleep and take break.
No oversea trip because of COVID. What a pity.
On-board in A*** company on May 9.
Excited to be new again.
Still WFH bi-weekly. Only meet partial co-workers in office.
Facility is sooooooooo good. Really a rich company.
Meet my leader. Orginally, I think he is short, but he is soooo tall (around 185cm??) when I see him.
Start the culture shock in new company.
In culture shock like in hell.
Not understand what happend and what the logic is.
Complicated system flow/ dept. R&R.
Good is to meet all co-workers, but damn is no available seat for me. Go to office everyday like homelessness to look for where I can sit.
Play badminton to join the new group soonly.
Got COVID on Jun. 17th. >_<
Meet Asia big boss and a big change happened........
Asia big boss personality is attractive and he is also good at convincing. I decide to take a new role even though I am not that confident to do it well. He promised he will guiding me. Then I accept.
Send me to Netherland 10 days.... for team building? or for wide my view?
Long time not go abroad. Everything is fantastic. Never been Netherland before. Go to Amsterdan airport. Kinderdijk/ Rotterdam sightseeing. Drive to Belgium and German. Climb on Cologne Cathedral to have a beautiful overview.
Visit A*** campus and almost got lost. They have ice cream cart in the cafeteria. So cool..... The design of building is like airport terminal. The same central hallway and different direction to different sub-building.
Back to TW for quarantine in a great hotel in Taipei. Can see Taipei 101 from room. Good place and good food there.
A surprise from my leader to celebrate my Birthday during quarantine.
Meet w Asia big boss continuously and keep a good interaction.
Stuck in daily job and try to figure out.
Asia group team building in Sep. 1-2 @Taipei. But we meet Typhoon. XD
Happy to hear 2nd person will be in my team in the end of Sep.
Meet w Asia big boss continuously and keep a good interaction.
Stuck in daily job and try to figure out.
Start montly operation review.
2nd peoson in and try to develop him.
Start to have some time. Not always hurry.
Meet w Asia big boss continuously and keep a good interaction.
3rd person in LK will be in the end of Oct..
Try to figure out some to show in MOR (monthly operation review).
Learn how to arrange 2nd person training class.
Prepare MC team building in Taichung.
1st 2023 target setting in end of Oct.. My first time and also feel struggle on doing it.
MC team building in Taichung on Nov. 4th and I am the host for puzzle. Good and successful result.
Start not good communication w Asia big boss. Q_Q
Struggle and consult w other for target setting.
Speed up training for 2nd person.
Have a relax trip to Nantou on Dec. 4-5th and meet classmate unexpectedly.
Good relationship w another GL.
Not good relationship w Asia big boss.
Struggle in target setting.
Cannot find my value.
Make other mental co-workers to support me.
Work till the last week of 2022.
Briefly go through 2022 (maybe not that briefly....). It changes so fast. Too fast to adapt with it. It makes me struggle and feel no value.
Lucky that I get many mentor co-worker and friends' support. They talk me a lot. (3 hours per time) I can feel they really wanna me be better.
I hope it could come true and I believe I will be better in 2023. Now is in obstacle course for training.
Everything will be fine. Hi 2023.

戀小味的沙龍 的其他內容
莊子: 指窮於為薪,火傳也,不知其盡也 有形的軀體生命,就好像薪柴一樣,有老舊腐壞、燃燒殆盡的一天,但無形的靈魂生命,可以像火苗一樣不斷地傳遞下去。 從小到大我一直很想成為一個自由的人。我的家庭其實給我很大的自由,父母跟我之間是存在著理性的溝通,沒有威權的壓迫。成長過程中也是自由學習,出社會工作以後
At the end of 2021, even we still face new variant- Omicron, still hope that we could be back to nomal in 2022. Go out w/o mask. Go abroad if safe.
莊子: 指窮於為薪,火傳也,不知其盡也 有形的軀體生命,就好像薪柴一樣,有老舊腐壞、燃燒殆盡的一天,但無形的靈魂生命,可以像火苗一樣不斷地傳遞下去。 從小到大我一直很想成為一個自由的人。我的家庭其實給我很大的自由,父母跟我之間是存在著理性的溝通,沒有威權的壓迫。成長過程中也是自由學習,出社會工作以後
At the end of 2021, even we still face new variant- Omicron, still hope that we could be back to nomal in 2022. Go out w/o mask. Go abroad if safe.
Google News 追蹤
全新 vocus 挑戰活動「方格人氣王」來啦~四大挑戰任你選,留言 / 愛心 / 瀏覽數大 PK,還有新手專屬挑戰!無論你是 vocus 上活躍創作者或剛加入的新手,都有機會被更多人看見,獲得站上版位曝光&豐富獎勵!🏆
本文探討AI筆記工具的優缺點、選擇建議及未來趨勢,比較NotebookLM、OneNote+Copilot、Notion AI、Obsidian+GPT插件和Palantir Foundry等工具,並強調安全注意事項及個人需求評估的重要性。
藝術家陳威廷以《彼岸PARAMITA》為題,在高雄市立美術館 B1 Kspace 展開一場探索生命本質的藝術之旅。他以豐富的色彩及童話意象,深入探討存在的意義,並運用空間分區營造出一場從物質到精神的冥想之旅。這件作品不僅是自己對過去的敬意,也是對未來的追問,讓觀眾能在藝術中尋找屬於自己的答案。
英國線上藝術平台NOWNESS成立於2010年,平台上推出以時尚、藝術、設計、美學、音樂、美食和旅行各種極具風格與文化的短片,最近上架一部由台灣模特兒Wei Du 杜威主演的Liminal Space。
2024/08/04 每日一抽/靜心書寫 試點新鮮的 ⭐️ Try Somthing New 在那一年我離開了一間頗具規模且福利制度都不錯的公司,選擇離開的原因是身體有情況,動了一個小手術差點小命不保,我只能放下工作回家養生跟修心。 我對工作有著狂熱感、使命必達的心態,每天加班就連
從去年底發現公司對於品牌發展方向和原本品牌經營方向越走越遠之後,就一直很想換工作。 無奈的是我今年經歷人生中很重要的轉捩點,我在2022年初買了預售屋,近期會交屋,卡在房貸還沒辦,深怕公司炒魷魚,但又處於個人認知與公司發展方向背道而馳,每天去上班,只能用裝瘋賣傻或是形式走肉應對,這樣的日子過得其實
❗折扣優惠 Lantern Lu Wei 燈籠滷味|捷運台電大樓站 / 信義安和站 📌經濟實惠 · 街頭小吃 ⬇️完整說明網址⬇️ 👉https://product.mchannles.com/38sxF #Pp貓 #燈籠滷味 #經濟實惠 #街頭小吃 #滷味 #小吃 #滷味套餐 #
有些朋友喜歡聽我講一些科技公司業界的暗黑面,其實我個人不大喜歡討論這些事,總覺得太負能量了,對年輕人來說,太早知道這當中的八卦事,也沒甚麼太大的幫助。離開了業界也一年了,真的深深感受到,當時再大的事,回頭來看都不算是件事了。   把時間回撥到2022年的年底,在我所屬的前公司,在更早之前,就持續
2月過得匆忙,一眨眼就從上午到下午,從下午到晚上 轉眼就來到了月底,待辦清單還有好多事項 但突然有個念頭,想好好感謝自己 謝謝自己能堅持住、走到這一步 https://open.spotify.com/track/4NNWtxoj8DiqxHogMhS5lY?si=68add1e08f844
結論 以下觀點只針對我看的房型、看區域的角度、跟符不符合我現在的需求而定。具有非常強烈的主觀意識,如果不喜歡可以當作看看笑笑就好,請不要找我吵架。 接待中心很大器,大廳很不錯。代銷一副想吵架的樣子,我真的不是友商來的間諜。(笑) 優點: 捷運近,家樂福近,運動中心近。 無聯通巷子內,安靜。
全新 vocus 挑戰活動「方格人氣王」來啦~四大挑戰任你選,留言 / 愛心 / 瀏覽數大 PK,還有新手專屬挑戰!無論你是 vocus 上活躍創作者或剛加入的新手,都有機會被更多人看見,獲得站上版位曝光&豐富獎勵!🏆
本文探討AI筆記工具的優缺點、選擇建議及未來趨勢,比較NotebookLM、OneNote+Copilot、Notion AI、Obsidian+GPT插件和Palantir Foundry等工具,並強調安全注意事項及個人需求評估的重要性。
藝術家陳威廷以《彼岸PARAMITA》為題,在高雄市立美術館 B1 Kspace 展開一場探索生命本質的藝術之旅。他以豐富的色彩及童話意象,深入探討存在的意義,並運用空間分區營造出一場從物質到精神的冥想之旅。這件作品不僅是自己對過去的敬意,也是對未來的追問,讓觀眾能在藝術中尋找屬於自己的答案。
英國線上藝術平台NOWNESS成立於2010年,平台上推出以時尚、藝術、設計、美學、音樂、美食和旅行各種極具風格與文化的短片,最近上架一部由台灣模特兒Wei Du 杜威主演的Liminal Space。
2024/08/04 每日一抽/靜心書寫 試點新鮮的 ⭐️ Try Somthing New 在那一年我離開了一間頗具規模且福利制度都不錯的公司,選擇離開的原因是身體有情況,動了一個小手術差點小命不保,我只能放下工作回家養生跟修心。 我對工作有著狂熱感、使命必達的心態,每天加班就連
從去年底發現公司對於品牌發展方向和原本品牌經營方向越走越遠之後,就一直很想換工作。 無奈的是我今年經歷人生中很重要的轉捩點,我在2022年初買了預售屋,近期會交屋,卡在房貸還沒辦,深怕公司炒魷魚,但又處於個人認知與公司發展方向背道而馳,每天去上班,只能用裝瘋賣傻或是形式走肉應對,這樣的日子過得其實
❗折扣優惠 Lantern Lu Wei 燈籠滷味|捷運台電大樓站 / 信義安和站 📌經濟實惠 · 街頭小吃 ⬇️完整說明網址⬇️ 👉https://product.mchannles.com/38sxF #Pp貓 #燈籠滷味 #經濟實惠 #街頭小吃 #滷味 #小吃 #滷味套餐 #
有些朋友喜歡聽我講一些科技公司業界的暗黑面,其實我個人不大喜歡討論這些事,總覺得太負能量了,對年輕人來說,太早知道這當中的八卦事,也沒甚麼太大的幫助。離開了業界也一年了,真的深深感受到,當時再大的事,回頭來看都不算是件事了。   把時間回撥到2022年的年底,在我所屬的前公司,在更早之前,就持續
2月過得匆忙,一眨眼就從上午到下午,從下午到晚上 轉眼就來到了月底,待辦清單還有好多事項 但突然有個念頭,想好好感謝自己 謝謝自己能堅持住、走到這一步 https://open.spotify.com/track/4NNWtxoj8DiqxHogMhS5lY?si=68add1e08f844
結論 以下觀點只針對我看的房型、看區域的角度、跟符不符合我現在的需求而定。具有非常強烈的主觀意識,如果不喜歡可以當作看看笑笑就好,請不要找我吵架。 接待中心很大器,大廳很不錯。代銷一副想吵架的樣子,我真的不是友商來的間諜。(笑) 優點: 捷運近,家樂福近,運動中心近。 無聯通巷子內,安靜。