Imperfect Procedural Justice, Presumption of Innocence, and

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Delaware Online 2018/10/07

Imperfect Procedural Justice, Presumption of Innocence, and the MeToo Movement

The public hearing of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the imprisonment of Bill Cosby raises the issue of presumption of innocence in the post-MeToo era. Many are concerned that if we don’t require physical evidence for sexual assault, then innocent men can be wrongly charged. Many men and women are concerned that the #MeToo movement has gone too far—some label it the modern-day witch hunt, others call it lynching.
First, no men is being hanged without trial in the United States today. Lynching is illegally. And we can have a rational discussion only if you stop being overly dramatic.
Second, witch hunt is wrong because there is no witch. Anyone persecuted for being called a witch is wronged because she can’t possibly be one. On the other hand, many men who are said to be rapists or sexual harassers are rapists or sexual harassers.
An important theme in the #MeToo movement is the words of women. Men are taken down—they lose their contracts, jobs, friends, family, reputation, and freedom—because some women claim that these men did things to them against their will. These men are formally or informally charged because of women’s saying so. Does this mean that we are abandoning the presumption of innocence? Does it mean that a man is considered guilty automatically when a woman accuse him of sexual assault or harassment?
No, it doesn't. We are merely acknowledging that women's words are valid evidence, and truthful accounts can be used to prove a man's guilt.
The criminal justice system is a form of imperfect procedural justice. Unlike perfect procedural justice, following through on the steps involved in imperfect procedural justice does not always give us the right result. Perfect procedural justice is available for cases in which you can design a procedure that always give you the correct result. The most commonly cited example is the fair distribution of a cake. To ensure that everyone gets a fair share, we let the person who cuts the cake get the last piece. That way, she will make sure to cut the cake evenly so that her slice is as big as everyone else's.
On the other hand, the criminal justice system is not like that. We may design the system as best as we can, allowing legally obtained evidence and excluding irrelevant personal, character attacks on the defendant. Still, at the end of the day, we cannot be perfectly sure that we apprehend the right guy. All we have is law, guidelines, and evidences. Together, they us good reasons to believe that s/he killed the victim. But because no one else is there when the murder happened, no one can be 100 percent sure that the accused is the real killer.
This is why presumption of innocence is so important. It requires that the criminal justice system do its best to provide evidence to prove the guilt of the defendant. How much evidence is enough? It is always possible that an alternative explanation of the evidence exculpates the defendant. Even when we have the pistol and the pistol has his finger print, it is still possible that he did not kill the victim and he left his finger print there by accident. The criminal justice system is run by human beings, and human beings are fallible. Police officers and prosecutors cannot eliminate all possible doubts, but only reasonable doubts.
How can one prove the guilt of a rapist?
To prove that rape happens, one must prove that the defendant has sex without the consent of the plaintiff. Typically this can be done if we can find bruises or physical wounds on the plaintiff’s body. The bruises prove that she resisted and testifies to her lack of consent.
However, in date rape and acquaintance rape cases, there is neither a bruise nor a wound. How can rape be proven? Even virginal wounds are sometimes seen as signs of intense sexual intercourse, not proof of sexual assault. What kind of physical evidence can a victim provide to show that she did not agree to have sex with her date?
To accuse a man of sexually assaulting a woman is to claim that he has sex with her without her consent. Thus, the woman who accuses the man of sexual assault must prove that she did not give her consent. Why can’t she prove that by simply telling the court that she didn’t? Why would any physical evidence be necessary? Also, how can she provide specific, definitive proof that can be corroborated? A mind-reader?
To require that the plaintiff provide physical evidence for her lack of consent is an absurd standard. First, if we accept this standard, then we can never charge a man who, in his own bedroom with no eye witness, rapes a young child, a mentally ill person, or a person with an intellectual disability. We can only charge rapists who rape in public. Accepting this standard effectively means men have the liberty to harm anyone at will in their own bedrooms.
Second, consent is a mental event, not a physical event. A victim can’t provide the court with some physical evidence for her lack of consent. To ask her to provide physical evidence for her thoughts back then is quite unreasonable. She knows whether she gives her consent, and she can testify to that mental event. Neither the court nor the defendant can tell her what she has in mind. Only the person can tell us what she wants.
To say that presumption of innocence requires that the victim provide physical evidence before she accuses a man is to say that her will is unimportant and that the man can interpret her will in whatever way he wants. Most victims of sexual assault can provide their own testimony only; she cannot give us physical evidence to prove the guilt of the offender. Why can’t a woman testify for her own thoughts and will? A woman is capable of telling you what she sees, what she hears, and what she experiences.
People who ask for physical evidence for one’s lack of consent are basically saying: “Because you can’t prove that you disagreed, you agreed.” How plausible is this? What if the victim is a man or a child?
Conservatives are concerned that a procedure that allows a woman’s saying so to be the damming evidence will harm innocent men. I share this concern. After all, the charges, whether true or false, will likely ruin the man’s life. Therefore, it is important that the prosecutors and the criminal justice system make sure that they evaluate the evidence carefully. However, the presumption of innocence does not require that the victim provide concrete evidence that can be independently corroborated. In situations in which all we have is “he says, she says”, what we need to do is to examine the credibility of both accounts carefully. We must not dismiss a woman’s word simply because she cannot provide physical evidence.
目前有四大主題以及其它零星議題討論。四大主題為: 「卡陰記」、「性侵/性騷擾」、「美國槍枝管制」、「死刑」。另有「升等記」「被學生申訴記」。
Hsin-Wen Lee的沙龍 的其他內容
性別不平等的社會裡,社會期待男性要積極地展開攻勢,而女性若不願意發生性行為,有義務要極力掙扎。你如果因為傻了、楞住了、呆掉了,嚇死了,害怕激怒對方,因而沒有極力掙扎,大聲呼救,那麼,男士沒注意到你不願意發生性行為,也不能怪他們。 就是這樣的信念,才造成那麼多約會強暴。
比較奇怪的是,有不少同學主張,女方雖然沒有同意與男方發生關係,但她並沒有被性侵。 如果她沒有同意與對方發生關係,卻被對方發生關係,那怎麼會不算性侵呢? 
假設我去跟主管投訴說我被性騷擾,我沒有證人、證據嗎? 我不就是證人、證據? 現在的問題是,在雙方說法不一致的情況下,主管應該如何處理所接收到的資訊。萬一雙方說法不一致,也只能證明,投訴人與被投訴人中間,有一個人在說謊。至於誰在說謊,我們必須得繼續調查,才會知道。拿不出證據的人,不一定就是說謊的人。
處理性侵案的三大重點:第一,一個人在職場被騷擾的話,他能提告的對象,不只有騷擾他的人,還有知情但無作為、允許騷擾案件發生的那個單位。 第二,所有受薪員工,一旦知道單位裡有性侵或性騷擾的案件的話,都必須向單位裡的性平主管通報。第三,必須認真的「受理案件」--至少詢問相關人等,留下正式記錄,及回應方法。
個人猜測,在沒有受過任何性平教育訓練的情況下,一般公司、學校、政府部門裡的主管,如果遇到下屬提出申訴,說自已被同事A騷擾時,受理申訴的人,大概會有的、最直接的反應就是,「就算我相信你被騷擾,你要怎麼證明A騷擾你呢? 」主管又不是神探、包青天,沒證據,怎麼幫你? 我估計性騷擾案大概都是這樣結束的。
性別不平等的社會裡,社會期待男性要積極地展開攻勢,而女性若不願意發生性行為,有義務要極力掙扎。你如果因為傻了、楞住了、呆掉了,嚇死了,害怕激怒對方,因而沒有極力掙扎,大聲呼救,那麼,男士沒注意到你不願意發生性行為,也不能怪他們。 就是這樣的信念,才造成那麼多約會強暴。
比較奇怪的是,有不少同學主張,女方雖然沒有同意與男方發生關係,但她並沒有被性侵。 如果她沒有同意與對方發生關係,卻被對方發生關係,那怎麼會不算性侵呢? 
假設我去跟主管投訴說我被性騷擾,我沒有證人、證據嗎? 我不就是證人、證據? 現在的問題是,在雙方說法不一致的情況下,主管應該如何處理所接收到的資訊。萬一雙方說法不一致,也只能證明,投訴人與被投訴人中間,有一個人在說謊。至於誰在說謊,我們必須得繼續調查,才會知道。拿不出證據的人,不一定就是說謊的人。
處理性侵案的三大重點:第一,一個人在職場被騷擾的話,他能提告的對象,不只有騷擾他的人,還有知情但無作為、允許騷擾案件發生的那個單位。 第二,所有受薪員工,一旦知道單位裡有性侵或性騷擾的案件的話,都必須向單位裡的性平主管通報。第三,必須認真的「受理案件」--至少詢問相關人等,留下正式記錄,及回應方法。
個人猜測,在沒有受過任何性平教育訓練的情況下,一般公司、學校、政府部門裡的主管,如果遇到下屬提出申訴,說自已被同事A騷擾時,受理申訴的人,大概會有的、最直接的反應就是,「就算我相信你被騷擾,你要怎麼證明A騷擾你呢? 」主管又不是神探、包青天,沒證據,怎麼幫你? 我估計性騷擾案大概都是這樣結束的。
Google News 追蹤
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
前陣子看完這本不完美的正義,作者是一位長期為了死刑、量刑過重、少年犯,特別是那些貧窮、黑人、婦女、孩童等弱勢提供法律支持的辯護律師。 這本書內容提到了許多有關美國司法體制的狀況,作者的工作內容,主要在為死刑犯辯護,對於作者來說看待的角度不是:「犯人該不該為了自己所做的事情而附上死亡的代價?」,而是
身為一個紀錄時常被法院要求提供作為審理證據的心理師,每每看到法庭攻防的段落,總是不由自主想,我的紀錄在庭審過程中是如何被詮釋?如果是我親自出庭接受詰問,又會面臨哪些問題? 或許是為了強化導演想要呈現的主題,墜惡真相的法院攻防段落與我認知中真實的審理多有落差,但又非常符合我對人的理解。
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
前陣子看完這本不完美的正義,作者是一位長期為了死刑、量刑過重、少年犯,特別是那些貧窮、黑人、婦女、孩童等弱勢提供法律支持的辯護律師。 這本書內容提到了許多有關美國司法體制的狀況,作者的工作內容,主要在為死刑犯辯護,對於作者來說看待的角度不是:「犯人該不該為了自己所做的事情而附上死亡的代價?」,而是
身為一個紀錄時常被法院要求提供作為審理證據的心理師,每每看到法庭攻防的段落,總是不由自主想,我的紀錄在庭審過程中是如何被詮釋?如果是我親自出庭接受詰問,又會面臨哪些問題? 或許是為了強化導演想要呈現的主題,墜惡真相的法院攻防段落與我認知中真實的審理多有落差,但又非常符合我對人的理解。