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Swing and miss

Hierarchy is prevalent in every industry and ours is no exception. When we work with clients, we usually start with some form of material — whether it be motif or logo — our design drafts are then presented to our clients where they go through a process of approval from employees to management. Representatives from each level will obviously have different opinions and feedback about the drafts, so we fall into a seemingly endless cycle of discussion and revision to appease every reviewer, only to have the “final draft” rejected by the decision maker. What sounds like an annoying pattern is actually quite a common occurrence in our line of work.

Client’s internal challenge

Although there exists a fundamental formula in design, every creator as well as audience has a unique interpretation of the design concept and expects a specific visual representation that resonates to their vision. Factor in the repetitive discussion and revision, the “final drafts” to each reviewer often vary drastically.
Why is it that employees and management, despite being in the same company, disagree on the creative approach of design proposals? The reason is twofold:
i. Gap in recognition
For any corporation, regardless of size or experience, there needs to be an alignment of recognition among its employees. Are all employees aware of corporate philosophy and core values? Are there in fact core values? The answers to these questions are the driving forces behind a corporation’s planning, sales, marketing, and administration. Corporate philosophy is the cornerstone of long term prosperity and the preface of brand image. If employees are unfamiliar with their corporate philosophy, they often lose focus when reviewing design proposals, causing back and forth revisions between employees and management during the drafting phase.
ii. Work place authorization
To management, authorization is a body of knowledge and a form of art that they must master as leaders. Authorization is not merely assigning tasks and decision making power to subordinates, but a two-way interaction and communication to determine how much authority is relinquished. When management and employees bridge the gap in recognition, and acknowledge what values and concept need to be portrayed in the design, a certain amount of decision making power needs to be released to working level members. Working level members are employees that work most closely to design agencies and they serve as windows to their company’s values; Designers should be able to work with these employees and grasp the message the company wishes to convey and how the message should be materialized. Given a certain level of autonomy, working level employees can work with designers without the impediment of bureaucracy, resulting in a final design that will most likely be approved by every management level.
From our experience, the disconnect in corporate philosophy and employees is especially common among international corporations. Offices in different locations mean different cultural backgrounds, exacerbating the existing gap in recognition and lack of work place authorization; it is when working with such clients that we often find an inconsistent understanding of corporate philosophy among their management and employees.
Able Studio is offering a solution to these clients. We help our clients re-center their focus by streamlining their core values so that their message can be delivered to the public without misinterpretation, and as the public becomes more aware of the brand, so grows the commercial performance of the business. If corporate philosophy and core values are the foundation on which a business is built, Able Studio’s design will be the concrete that binds together the foundation.
Able Studio 以人為本,相信設計應該是人們使用的,而不是為設計而設計的,因此我們致力於創造美觀、易用、有意義的設計。我們希望能透過文章的分享,讓更多人認識到 UI/UX 的重要性,你的閱讀對我們來說將會是最大的支持。
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這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
On September 17, 2024, a severe explosion occurred in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, and its surrounding areas, involving pagers. The explosion resul
當一個階段的工作結束,或者感覺卡在某個地方時,所長會抽一張牌並問一個問題。 那個問題即是:我現在是誰?
目前A.H科普的新冠科普術語索引是根據WHO最新版本ICD 11: 國際疾病分類第十一次修訂本,而國內行政院衛生署中央健康保險局使用的中文翻譯是ICD10,為保持中文翻譯的一致性, 這裡將 [不定期更新]。
 08/24/2010 去合歡的路上 想到這三個月來的事 我過的生活,過去二十年是這麼的精彩。 但又可以這麼迅速的歸於平靜。   我到底是什麼樣的人?   曾經在三十歲時想著要環遊世界 似乎這成為我的夢想 當然,我沒有說什麼等我退休後 而是每年開始實踐他 實施了幾年 後來是
 I gave up. 放心,不是我的人生,只是另一個也許會成為不同的可能而已。
世界衞生組織公佈 2022年全球癌症數據: 🌍 全球共有近一千萬人,因癌症死亡(Estimated 9.7M deaths) 💔 每9個男生就有一位,每12個女生,也有一位,就會因癌症去世。 👤 全球人類,每5個就有一位罹癌 而40%的癌症,是人類可以預防的! BUT 人類要落實這
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
On September 17, 2024, a severe explosion occurred in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, and its surrounding areas, involving pagers. The explosion resul
當一個階段的工作結束,或者感覺卡在某個地方時,所長會抽一張牌並問一個問題。 那個問題即是:我現在是誰?
目前A.H科普的新冠科普術語索引是根據WHO最新版本ICD 11: 國際疾病分類第十一次修訂本,而國內行政院衛生署中央健康保險局使用的中文翻譯是ICD10,為保持中文翻譯的一致性, 這裡將 [不定期更新]。
 08/24/2010 去合歡的路上 想到這三個月來的事 我過的生活,過去二十年是這麼的精彩。 但又可以這麼迅速的歸於平靜。   我到底是什麼樣的人?   曾經在三十歲時想著要環遊世界 似乎這成為我的夢想 當然,我沒有說什麼等我退休後 而是每年開始實踐他 實施了幾年 後來是
 I gave up. 放心,不是我的人生,只是另一個也許會成為不同的可能而已。
世界衞生組織公佈 2022年全球癌症數據: 🌍 全球共有近一千萬人,因癌症死亡(Estimated 9.7M deaths) 💔 每9個男生就有一位,每12個女生,也有一位,就會因癌症去世。 👤 全球人類,每5個就有一位罹癌 而40%的癌症,是人類可以預防的! BUT 人類要落實這