題目會給我們兩個陣列left, right 分別代表每隻螞蟻所在的初始位置 和 方向,n代表木板長度。每隻螞蟻每秒鐘前進一單位長度。
Example 1:
Input: n = 4, left = [4,3], right = [0,1]
Output: 4
Explanation: In the image above:
-The ant at index 0 is named A and going to the right.
-The ant at index 1 is named B and going to the right.
-The ant at index 3 is named C and going to the left.
-The ant at index 4 is named D and going to the left.
The last moment when an ant was on the plank is t = 4 seconds. After that, it falls immediately out of the plank. (i.e., We can say that at t = 4.0000000001, there are no ants on the plank).
Example 2:
Input: n = 7, left = [], right = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
Output: 7
Explanation: All ants are going to the right, the ant at index 0 needs 7 seconds to fall.
Example 3:
Input: n = 7, left = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], right = []
Output: 7
Explanation: All ants are going to the left, the ant at index 7 needs 7 seconds to fall.
1 <= n <= 10
0 <= left.length <= n + 1
0 <= left[i] <= n
0 <= right.length <= n + 1
0 <= right[i] <= n
1 <= left.length + right.length <= n + 1
and right
are unique, and each value can appear only in one of the two arrays.這題其實算是個腦筋急轉彎的題目,若是用模擬交換方向的演算法,可能會很複雜。
關鍵在於,兩隻螞蟻相遇時,交換方向 和 不交換方向其實是等價的,並不影響最終結果。
以這個例子來說,初始方向 A 往右走,B往左走
A 往右走,B往左走
-----> A B <--
After A, B meet each other
<----- A B -->
Max(5, 2) = 5
is equivalent to
相遇之後,AB不交換方向 其實也是等價的
<----- B A -->
Max(2, 5) = 5
相遇也不交換方向(因為在這題的條件下,不交換 和 交換是等價的),一直走到最後一隻螞蟻掉落木板為止。
class Solution:
def getLastMoment(self, n: int, left: List[int], right: List[int]) -> int:
# Ants keep going is equivalent to ants exchange direction
# Max time to left endpoint for ants going to left hand side
time_to_left = max( left or [0] )
# Max time to right endpoint for ants going to right hand side
time_to_right = max( [ n - position for position in right] or [0] )
return max(time_to_left, time_to_right)
時間複雜度: O( n)
空間複雜度: O(n)
關鍵在於,兩隻螞蟻相遇時,交換方向 和 不交換方向其實是等價的,並不影響最終結果。(建議在紙上畫個圖,加深印象,這題算是滿經典的腦筋急轉彎題目。)