Probabilistic Graphical Model 1.3節 - Part 3

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以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。

1.3 Overview and Roadmap

1.3.1 Overview of Chapters

延續上一篇Part 2講Probabilistic Graphical Model的Inference作法,在Part 3的部分專注於AI當中的Learning主題,以下來看各章節的主題排序:

  • In chapter 16, we review some of the fundamental concepts underlying the general task of learning models from data. We then present the spectrum of learning problems that we address in this part of the book. These problems vary along two main axes: the extent to which we are given prior knowledge specifying the model, and whether the data from which we learn contain complete observations of all of the relevant variables. In contrast to the inference task, where the same algorithms apply equally to Bayesian networks and Markov networks, the learning task is quite different for these two classes of models. We begin with studying the learning task for Bayesian networks.

  • In chapter 17, we focus on the most basic learning task: learning parameters for a Bayesian network with a given structure, from fully observable data. Although this setting may appear somewhat restrictive, it turns out to form the basis for our entire development of Bayesian network learning. As we show, the factorization of the distribution, which was central both to representation and to inference, also plays a key role in making inference feasible.

  • In chapter 18, we move to a harder problem of learning both Bayesian network structure and the parameters, still from fully observed data. The learning algorithms we present trade off the accuracy with which the learned network represents the empirical distribution for the complexity of the resulting structure. As we show, the type of independence assumptions underlying the Bayesian network representation often hold, at least approximately, in real-world distributions. Thus, these learning algorithms often result in reasonably compact structures that capture much of the signal in the distribution.

  • In chapter 19, we address the Bayesian network learning task in a setting where we have access only to partial observations of the relevant variables (for example, when the available patient records have missing entries). This type of situation occurs often in real-world settings. Unfortunately, the resulting learning task is considerably harder, and the resulting algorithms are both more complex and less satisfactory in terms of their performance.

  • In chapter 20, we consider the problem of learning Markov networks from data. It turns out that the learning tasks for Markov networks are significantly harder than the corresponding problem for Bayesian networks. We explain the difficulties and discuss the existing solutions.
這裡將提供: AI、Machine Learning、Deep Learning、Reinforcement Learning、Probabilistic Graphical Model的讀書筆記與演算法介紹,一起在未來AI的世界擁抱AI技術,不BI。

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以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。 1.3 Overview and Roadmap 1.3.1 Overview of Chapters 延續上一篇Part 1講
以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。 1.3 Overview and Roadmap 1.3.1 Overview of Chapters We begin in
以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。 1.2 Structured Probabilistic Models 既然要融入Uncertainty和Probability
以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 想要有一個智能體能接收輸入訊息,進而輸出對應動作甚至做Reasoning
這個頻道將提供以下服務: 深入介紹各種Machine Learning技術 深入介紹各種Deep Learning技術 深入介紹各種Reinforcement Learning技術 深入介紹Probabilistic Graphical Model技術 不定時提供讀書筆記 讓我們一起在未
以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。 1.3 Overview and Roadmap 1.3.1 Overview of Chapters 延續上一篇Part 1講
以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。 1.3 Overview and Roadmap 1.3.1 Overview of Chapters We begin in
以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。 1.2 Structured Probabilistic Models 既然要融入Uncertainty和Probability
以下內容是我閱讀Probabilistic Graphical Model, Koller 2009一書的讀書筆記,未來將不定期新增內容,此技術屬AI人工智慧範疇。 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 想要有一個智能體能接收輸入訊息,進而輸出對應動作甚至做Reasoning
這個頻道將提供以下服務: 深入介紹各種Machine Learning技術 深入介紹各種Deep Learning技術 深入介紹各種Reinforcement Learning技術 深入介紹Probabilistic Graphical Model技術 不定時提供讀書筆記 讓我們一起在未
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前言 讀了許多理論,是時候實際動手做做看了,以下是我的模型訓練初體驗,有點糟就是了XD。 正文 def conv(filters, kernel_size, strides=1): return Conv2D(filters, kernel_size,
前言 在閱讀《強化式學習:打造最強 AlphaZero 通用演算法》時,對一些看似基本,但是重要且會影響到之後實作的項目概念有點疑惑,覺得應該查清楚,所以搞懂後記錄下來,寫下這篇文章(應該說是筆記?)。 正文 下面這段程式碼: model = Sequential() model.add 這是我看過最好的AI科普影片了;現在流行的GPT使用的大語言模型 (large language model, LLM), 是把每一個單字都當作一個高維度向量 影片中GPT3共儲存50257個英文單字, 每
大語言模型能夠生成文本,因此被認為是生成式人工智慧的一種形式。 人工智慧的學科任務,是製作機器,使其能執行需要人類智慧才能執行的任務,例如理解語言,便是模式,做出決策。 除了大語言模型,人工智慧也包含了深度學習以及機器學習。 機器學習的學科任務,是透過演算法來實踐AI。 特別
延續上週提到的,「有哪些不訓練模型的情況下,能夠強化語言模型的能力」,這堂課接續介紹其中第 3、4 個方法
未來,針對圖片生成的 prompt engineering 可能會越來越不重要。
Machine Learning (ML) is a captivating field empowers computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without explicit programming.
前言 讀了許多理論,是時候實際動手做做看了,以下是我的模型訓練初體驗,有點糟就是了XD。 正文 def conv(filters, kernel_size, strides=1): return Conv2D(filters, kernel_size,
前言 在閱讀《強化式學習:打造最強 AlphaZero 通用演算法》時,對一些看似基本,但是重要且會影響到之後實作的項目概念有點疑惑,覺得應該查清楚,所以搞懂後記錄下來,寫下這篇文章(應該說是筆記?)。 正文 下面這段程式碼: model = Sequential() model.add 這是我看過最好的AI科普影片了;現在流行的GPT使用的大語言模型 (large language model, LLM), 是把每一個單字都當作一個高維度向量 影片中GPT3共儲存50257個英文單字, 每
大語言模型能夠生成文本,因此被認為是生成式人工智慧的一種形式。 人工智慧的學科任務,是製作機器,使其能執行需要人類智慧才能執行的任務,例如理解語言,便是模式,做出決策。 除了大語言模型,人工智慧也包含了深度學習以及機器學習。 機器學習的學科任務,是透過演算法來實踐AI。 特別
延續上週提到的,「有哪些不訓練模型的情況下,能夠強化語言模型的能力」,這堂課接續介紹其中第 3、4 個方法
未來,針對圖片生成的 prompt engineering 可能會越來越不重要。
Machine Learning (ML) is a captivating field empowers computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without explicit programming.