CEO: Alright, everyone, let's get straight to the point. As you know, our company is facing a severe financial crisis. We need to make some tough decisions to ensure our survival.
CFO: I agree, CEO. The numbers don't lie. We're losing money at an alarming rate. Reducing our workforce is unfortunately the only viable option at this point.HR Director: I understand the necessity, but this is going to be difficult. We need to be very careful about how we handle this. We don't want to damage our company's reputation or morale.COO: I suggest we start by identifying the departments that are the least essential to our core operations. We can also consider offering early retirement packages to entice some of our older employees to leave.
CEO: That's a good point, COO. We should also prioritize retaining our top talent. Let's have HR come up with a detailed plan for implementing these layoffs.
HR Director: I'll get right on it, CEO. We can start by analyzing our workforce data and identifying the positions that are most at risk.
CFO: And remember, we need to be prepared for any potential legal challenges. Let's consult with our legal team to ensure we're following all the necessary procedures.
CEO: Absolutely. This is a serious matter, and we need to handle it with the utmost care.
CEO: 好了,各位,我們直接進入主題。如你們所知,公司正面臨嚴重的財務危機。我們必須做出一些艱難的決定以確保公司的生存。
CFO: 我同意,執行長。數字不會說謊。我們正在以驚人的速度虧損。減少人力是目前唯一可行的選項。
HR總監: 我理解這個必要性,但這將會很困難。我們需要非常小心地處理這件事。我們不想損害公司的聲譽或士氣。
COO: 我建議我們從識別對核心業務最不重要的部門開始。我們也可以考慮提供提前退休方案,以吸引一些資深員工離職。
CEO: 這是一個很好的建議,營運長。我們也應該優先保留我們的頂尖人才。讓人力資源部門提出一個詳細的裁員實施計劃。
HR總監: 我會立即著手進行,執行長。我們可以從分析我們的員工數據開始,並確定最有可能被裁減的職位。
CFO: 並且記住,我們需要為任何潛在的法律挑戰做好準備。讓我們諮詢我們的法律團隊,以確保我們遵循所有必要的程序。
CEO: 當然。這是一個嚴肅的問題,我們需要以最大的謹慎處理。