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Mechanical designer deliverables check list 必須包括哪些範圍呢?3C機構設計爸認為歸納以下項目會比較有效率的讓機構設計人員、甚至新進員工一目了然的看懂在一個專案的過程裡面,到底要執行的工作任務有哪些。
為了讓執行機構設計人員可以在專案之前就可以很清楚的了解進行專案的時候該做什麼事情,所以Check list中橫向的項目展開就以專案的階段來當作工作項目的區隔,企業中的專案階段有POC、EVT、DVT、PVT、MP(1)、MP(2)、MP。當然,也可以修改成為以客戶所使用的專案階段名稱,甚至在專案的額外需求下增加或減少專案階段,例如說 Pre-EVT、EVT(1)、EVT(2).....等等。
對於專案中所必須執行的細部事項,3C機構設計爸認為 senior Mechanical designer會比較清楚、所以這個 check list的template比較建議是由主管或資深的專案經理來製稿。以下是一個範例讓各位朋友參考
1. DFMEA 外觀工藝的 check list
2. Change list (Change history) (should be released to PM, Sales, and Sourcer)
3. ME weekly report for Project leader
4. Material Tracker
5. Tooling status tracker submitted by vendor (twice a week)
6. To highlight any of concerns from Usability, Service, DFM …to related team, especially validation teams
7. Touch Panel / LCD display orientation,M/E design must follow screen direction, need to check Software team
8. To promote 3D drawing version per each phases at PLM. 按照專案的每個階段,在PLM推進 3D 圖檔板本
9. schedule & build sample plan (demand)
10. Product spec & SOW
11. Packaging SPEC
12. Mechanical test SPEC (drop test, vibe test, EMC/ESD test, thermal shock test…etc)
13. Q&A
14. ME proposal / Packaging proposal
15. To invite EMC / Thermal / EE / Safety / Environmental / RF teams to do review for M/E design
16. To send plastic resin spec sheet & material spec sheet to Safety , CE teams to review (anytime when material is changed)
17. SKU released by PM/PL
18. System component SPEC (3D drawing & 2D SPEC)
18-1. - Connector PIN 1 should be marked on 3D drawing of component connector
19. Customer specified material SPEC (assigned plastic, assigned metal…etc)
20. PMP runs material shortage
21. BOM
22. Service BOM
23. Design approval by customer for tooling start
24. Tooling vendor selection
25. T-Final tooling sample approval by customer
26. Issue list (Issue Tracker)
27. BITS bug review
28. DFX / DFA bug review (Manufacturing)
29. Assembly steps drawing (組裝工序圖)
30. Part list / Tooling list (tooling parts, purchased parts, Consigned parts…etc) include Cosmetic SPEC.
31. Apply MPR / PR (for sample, Tooling)
32. 驗收 MPR / PR (for sample, Tooling)
33. Painting (treatment) area
34. Gap/step SPEC
35. Ask QE team to measure Gap/step
36. 2D drawing (1.尺寸務必盡量多標 2.TA 的尺寸務必要標示在2D圖紙上 3.標示完整的材料型號,名稱)
37. 3D drawing
38. 2D/3D drawing version list
39. FAB drawing (DXF & EMN)
40. PCB phase exit approval (Project leader leads)
41. Packaging design (temporary packing)
42. Packaging design (for Service parts)
43. Packaging design (for MP)
44. ID drawing (3D)
45. Cosmetic SPEC (scratch, surface level A or B, C,D…..etc)
46. Cosmetic SPEC (scratch, stain, …..etc) from release of QE team
47. Host meeting for cosmetic SPEC v.s. part quality (vendor, SQE,QE, PD), issue impacts cost highlighted to PM,Sales
48. CMF (color define, color chip, printing icon, treatments, machining, texture, material …etc)
49. Artwork -- Get artwork from customer (or ID team) for Touch Panel logo print and product logo/icon and release artwork to TP vendor and ME parts vendor.
50. FEA analysis simulation report (CG, structure, Stand strength, Power Button spring, Shock, Lighting, Speaker loudness …..)
51. Textured area for tooling and mockup cosmetic
52. Engraved texts drawing for tooling
53. TA (Tolerance Analysis)
54. ProE Interference check report
55. ProE motion check (per check list)
56. Lesson learn item review according to NUDD (refer to the LL material in the RDC Portal)
57. NUDD or/and DFMEA report
58. Apply AML
59. Apply QVL (Approval sheet must be reviewed, sample must be approved)
60. Chassis weight / part weight
61. Label list / Label location, screw/screw list
62. provide M/E parts to E/E for PCBA BOM
63. cable routing review
64. ECR release for change & MBOM
65. Tooling EC tracker
66. MPI review co-work
67. Old material purge list (向PMP提出舊料清倉)
68. Tooling tracker
69. "Inform vendor, NO approval cannot start mass production
(通知廠商,就算有收到company採購的訂單,必須得到company R/D確認才可量產)"
70. FAI report
71. CPK report
72. Tooling drawing
73. Fixture list
74. Part condition (成型參數, Injection conditions / stamping conditions,….etc)
75. "Mechanical design reminder
75-1. Company 產線自動鎖螺絲的 KEEP-OUT clearance
75-2. 熱熔 insert-nut 的長度, 溝槽及咬花紋. (扭力及拉力)
75-3. Front cover 供 Touch Panel 的點交區域必須足夠,並留溝槽
75-4. 螺絲的長度及耐落,spring-washer 的使用時機"
76. "CABLE
- cable list
- cable map
- terminal plating review"
77. "Tooling DFM
- Injection mold: mold flow analysis report,gate location,gate type, texture area,engraved text,parting lines,cavities, water cooling pipes, mold materials,golss…..etc)
- Stamping mold: Carry-strip location,engraved text,coined edge…..etc) "
78. "Mechanical test report
78-1. standoff test report (torque, pull force, side-push force)
78-2. heat-welding insert-nut test report
78-3. Painting physical report (alcohol test, color, artwork compliance....etc)
78-4. Raw material color matching report
78-5. Paint test report
78-6. Ink test report
78-7. sheet-metal tapping hole torque test
78-8. rubber foot attach test report
78-9. All label & mylar adhesive review report
78-10. sheet-metal Welding force test
78-11. gasket conductivity measurement report
78-12, Other mechanical test such like Salt-spray test, IPXX test, ...etc)"
79. "Validation test report
79-1. S/V test
79-2. Drop test (Packaging drop test)
79-3. EMC test (include ESD)
79-4. Safety test report (Stability / Vent holes / sharp edges /tip test_Attach test / Plastic material…)
79-5. Antennal test
79-6. Thermal report / Acoustic test report
79-7. Environmental review report (RoHS review)
79-8. CE review (for cable typically)
79-9. Strain gauge test (deformation of M/B)
79-10. Security test report (if required)
79-11. Waterproof (防水測試)) and dust lint test (IPxx) report"
80. Vendor documents submit prior T-Final MP (per request of SQE)
80-1. 3D Drawing, 供應商是否有收到company R&D提供的3D Drawing"
80-2. 2D Drawing, 供應商是否有收到company R&D提供的2D Drawing"
80-3. CTF/FAI/CPK 尺寸review 實際是否能按照圖面執行
80-4. 是否有指定原材料。 如果有,請特別摘錄圖紙中標記的指定原料的供應商以及型號
80-5. 2D Drawing 必須要註明 Screw type 以及Torgue requirement
80-6. 工藝流程圖必須提交給company R&D確認
80-7. SOP中的製程參數&工藝要求提交company R&D確認
80-8a.IPQA / FQC / OQA、等抽樣檢驗表格中必須涵蓋 CPK & CTF尺寸數據并被要求實際測量。
80-8b.首件檢驗表中必須全部涵蓋FAI 尺寸,每次首件必須全尺寸測量檢驗。"
80-9. 檢驗標準 (結構,外觀)與R&D協商確定
80-9-1. 塑膠熱熔Nut,Nut必須脫脂除油。供應商必須在熱熔前進行檢驗。
80-9-2. 緊固塑膠件的鐵件螺孔或Stand-off螺孔,必須除油乾淨,這些位置必須進行檢驗。"
80-10. 需要使用到的整形治具,檢驗Gage等,需要羅列並確定更換週期
80-11. Die-casting Parts:必須簽 成品 和 渣包素胚 結構樣品
80-12. 包裝方式定義在 Approval sheet (承認書)中
80-13. 存儲條件和期限定義在 Approval sheet (承認書)中
80-14. 生成 承認書SPEC並申請QVL
-SPEC中必須包含2D尺寸圖面,外觀等級面定義,TVR,FAI,Ppk,包裝方式,存儲條件和 期限"
80-15. MI test (data) report of injection plastic
80-16. Completion of FAI report review, CPK report review
81. Customer specified deliverables
82. M/E phase exit approval (without major risk) approved by ME manager
83. To put project latest document files to PLM-Project folder regular. (such like product SPEC,CMF,BOM, artwork, Tooling list…..etc)
最後、也是最這份 Check list的最後重點,那就是在矩陣表格中做選項的定義,把Check list的項目訂出來之後,同時又有一個欄位讓機構設計工程師打勾,這樣可以確定該項目已經被執行了,甚至可以做出一個圖表,這樣就可以控制每一個項目的完成狀態,而且可以秀出完成率的 visibility。
報名線上一對一線上課程 或 私訊報名