2017-12-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘


一開始我只是他Instagram五萬多位粉絲中的其中一位,抵達印度後幾天,在Instagram上滑到他最新的po文,每次旅行喜歡探訪當地人日常的我,想說可不可以請他帶我去吃一些只有當地人會吃的食物或餐廳,於是我在Instagram上傳送私人訊息詢問,沒想到不到半天的時間竟然得到回覆了,而且還是答應的回覆,簡單的交換whatsapp後就約定見面的時間與地點。當天我在捷運上收到他可能無法前來的訊息,他問我能否改期但因為我已經買好隔天離開的巴士票了,過了10分鐘他說他會到,他留了張紙條在他老闆的桌上,上面寫著: 「v我現在必須離開去見一個人,如果我沒跟他見到面的話我會非常後悔」,於是他出現了,出現在一家大樹下發跡的BBQ與咖哩攤前,也是我們約定的地方。






Isn’t is amazing how something as simple as food is able to connect two people from different culture and different countries. It roses borders, see no sea, no race, no age, it simply reunite us all, and tell the person why I love it so very much. India, my country has a lot to offer, a country with multiple states and multiple languages, obviously has plenty of  dishes at its disposal. Even though the rest of the world has a general notion about Indian food being “spicy", I’d be more than happy to break that assumption. Having a lot of spices in food does not imply that the food is spicy! I happened to take you, Darren, to one of my favorite restaurant, Rajiudes Da Dhaba, simply because me and my family have been visiting this place ever since. Standing watching your food getting cooked, enjoying it while soaking in all the aromas is no less than an experience. Right? I hope you enjoyed the kebabs and curry! Hoping to see you soon. But maybe I’ll travel to Taiwan to meet you!

Best: @Karanfood fanatic




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