更新於 2024/12/04閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

March 6

【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶
You can only think one thought at a time. Therefore see that that thought is constructive, positive and loving, and then you will find yourself saying constructive things and acting in a loving way. In fact, your whole outlook will be positive, and your life will be filled with love, joy, happiness, health, success and harmony. When you are at all sensitive and you have negative and destructive thoughts, they undermine your whole being. Your outlook becomes dimmed, and you feel depressed and even physically ill. Try to understand that you bring this state on yourself by your wrong thinking. Change it and you will change everything. You may imagine that you are surrounded by many difficulties and that your whole situation is to blame for your negative state of mind, but is it? Aren’t your thoughts your own? Aren’t you free to raise your consciousness and think loving, positive, constructive thoughts that create your well-being? The choice always lies in your hands.
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