韓江的《少年來了》由Deborah Smith譯成英文,題目作「Human Acts」。題序裡,Deborah寫道,那麼多作者寫光州事件,各式各樣的切入點,韓江偏偏選擇的是屍體,少年的屍體,一具具堆積如山的屍體。是他們突然活過來了,還是他們死得太突然,彷彿還活著。這樣的切入點究竟能帶來多少驚訝,有那句「you muttered to yourself in blank incomprehension, our soldiers are shooting. They are shooting at us.」驚訝麼?
In terms of mentality if not geography, Gwangju was sufficiently far from Seoul to seem 'off the mainland' -- the same kind of mental distance as that from London to Northern Ireland at the time of the Bloody Sunday massacre.
整個書被一種何其憂鬱而暗沈的藍色籠罩著,從那屍山上升起的一個個靈魂開始,就奠定了這本書在強烈的無所適從中、輕撚著的無處安放的情感裡下筆的,這該怎麼寫?——「No one had ever taught me how to address a person's soul.」這樣美而無力的一個句子,是,從來沒有任何人教過我怎樣與一個人的靈魂對話。有時候,事件發生了,甚至不是每個人都有勇氣與自己的靈魂對視,又何來對話?
We would lose ourselves in wondering who the other was, without hands, feet, face, tongue, our shadows touching but never quite mingling. Sad flames licking up against a smooth wall of glass, only to wordlessly slide away, outdone by whatever barrier was there.
結尾後記,韓江寫道,「Gwangju had been reborn only to be butchered again in an endless cycle. It was razed to the ground, and raised up anew in bloodied rebirth.」許多人期望重生,鮮少有人想到「重生」似乎也涉及到鮮血淋淋。韓江筆下的光州即便「重生」,也背負著「前世」的淋漓鮮血,那個讓韓江寫下記憶的女人認為,只有把故事寫下來,死去兄弟的「記憶」就再也不會被更改了。她是在為記憶立碑。我似乎看到她彿下身軀,匆匆在泥土裡扒著,地上漸漸出現了小小的低窪,可以容納小小的軀體,可是她究竟是想要親手埋葬一個飄蕩了多年的小小的靈魂,還是在找著什麼?