<The Guest House> by Rumi This being human is a guest house. 人的一生好比客棧, Every morning a new arrival. 每個早晨都有新的來客。 A joy, a depression, a meanness, 喜悅、沮喪、卑劣、某個瞬間的體認, some momentary awareness comes 像是意外的訪客翩然來到。 as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! 歡迎並熱情招待他們每一個! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, 即使來者是接踵而來的悲傷, who violently sweep your house 恣意破壞你的屋宇, empty of its furniture, 搬空所有家具, still, treat each guest honorably. 仍然要待之以禮, He may be clearing you out 因為他可能帶來某些嶄新的歡悅, for some new delight. 滌淨你的心靈。 The dark thought, the shame, the malice, 無論是灰暗的念頭羞愧或是惡念, meet them at the door laughing, 都要在門口笑臉相迎, and invite them in. 歡迎他們進入你的內心。 Be grateful for whoever comes, 不管來者是誰都要心存感激, because each has been sent 因為每一個, as a guide from beyond. 都是上天賜給我們的嚮導。