The role of choice選擇的作用
When you work on a project for your organization, do you plan to complete fifty percent of it and hope the rest will come together on its own? Of course not, but it's likely that this is how you've been functioning if you only engage in physical preparation for your professional role. Overall, how you function is your choice: You can determine what thoughts you want to encourage to create beneficial emotions, which will then get you closer to peak performance. You can decide what words will generate behaviors and actions that align with goal attainment, and can tell your brain where to direct focus and energy in order to get the results you want. These strategies help the brain become your greatest tool, rather than biggest obstacle.
Written By
Robin Buckley, PhD
Entrepreneur Leadership Network ContributorA cognitive-behavioral coach with a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, Dr. Robin Buckley helps successful women and couples thrive in their careers and relationships.