2022-03-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘


這對我來說是不可思議的;這就像人們說,「我選擇來這裡(此世)」。這是我們深層的不安全感,我們深層的恐懼,對我們說:「我們最好要求一些東西,因為如果我們不要求一些東西,那麼我們要做什麼呢?」我們很無助,在飛翔。你看,關於能夠接受你的類型的整個事情是能夠接受機械的真理。這不是關於所有這些 Mind(頭腦思維)的東西。
即使他們從來沒有說過他們想說的話、即使從來沒有以他們想要的方式表達出來、即使他們因為不能表達他們的精神領域而無休止地痛苦,他們仍然認為他們的 Mind 在管理他們的生命。即使他們的 Mind 不能做他們想要它做的事、即使他們的生活不能成為他們所期望的那樣、即使他們不能學到他們認為應該能夠學到的東西,他們仍然認為他們的 Mind 在管理他們的生命。
We’re not in charge of what we say. We’re not in charge of what we do. We’re not in charge of any of those things. We’re just hurtling through space. And yet, we have this incredible vanity that we have some kind of choice about something, “Oh, I did that.” I love people when they tell me that. “I’m working on myself,” they say.
It’s incredible to me; it’s like people saying, “I chose to come here.” It is our deep insecurity, our deep fear that says to us, “We’d better claim something because if we don’t claim something, then what are we going to do?” We’re helpless, flying. You see, the whole business about being able to accept your Type is to be able to accept the mechanical truths. It’s not about all this mind stuff.
Even though they never say what they want to say, even though it never comes out the way they want it to come out, even though they suffer endlessly from not being able to express their mental field, they still think that their mind is running their life. Even when their mind can’t do what they want it to do, even though their life can’t be what they expect it to be, even though they can’t learn what they think they should be able to learn, they still think that their mind runs their life.
- Ra Uru Hu
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