在前一篇文章(打造你的專屬流量池,讓用戶養成「上癮」的習慣—使用者留存)開頭有解釋,使用者互動(Engagement)是讓產品啟動成長的開關,沒有了它,後續的用戶喜好行為基本上也很難發生,至於如何達到所謂的Engagement,說穿了也不難,就是企業盡早讓用戶產生出core action,體驗到產品賦予的核心價值後,就可稱為用戶第一次完成產品的關鍵步驟(Magic timing or Aha moment)。
比如以Youtube來說,我們可以把Engagement定義成用戶觀看一部影片超過30秒,另外,Dropbox就能將Engagement當成是上傳一個檔案加上產生共用連結...等,以上這些「關鍵步驟(Magic timing or Aha moment)」並無標準答案,都是公司從用戶的角度不斷試驗假設而決定的,能被稱為一個產品的core action,就在於這個體驗過程中,產品是否幫使用者更快速有效的解決任務,是否替使用者帶來益處,以及是否解決使用者的痛點。
Retention Rate:The most common metric used is 'N-Day' which is the percentage of users who come back on a specific day, after the first time they use your product.
Churn Rate:number of customers lost during a period divided by the number of customers using the product at the start of the same period.
User Engagement:How long do users spend with each feature? Which training or onboarding materials are searched, used, referenced the most? How long do users spend on specific tasks, processes, or features?
User Behavior:What stage are users dropping off? How frequently are they using tutorials and training materials? Which training/onboarding materials used most, and which receive negative feedback?
Improving Product Features:What features of the product are they using the most? The least? What do people enjoy most about your product and which features need work? When do users access job aides such as tutorials and training materials and for how long?