2022-08-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘

10.約束 Constraint

攝影師:Karolina Grabowska
攝影師:Karolina Grabowska
  Born not to hold the chains, but to spread its wings. — Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer
小賦婆心靈小語系列✍little giver
"A free mediocre can outperform a genius who is constrained at every turn." — Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer
  One man used his salary for several months to buy a monkey to go home as a companion.
  After a while, he noticed that the monkey's waist was often uncomfortable. When he opened the hair on the monkey's body, he was surprised, and it turned out that the monkey's stomach was tightly wrapped around a circle of wire.
  I don't know who, when the monkey was young, surrounded it with a circle of wire, and as the monkey grew, the wire was embedded in the flesh.
  On the same day, he first removed the hair from the monkey's waist, and then carefully helped the monkey remove the wire. During this time, the monkey remained motionless, quietly blinking its eyes at its owner. When the wire was removed, the monkey jumped up and down happily, jumped on the man, and hugged the owner tightly.
Born not to hold the chains, but to spread its wings. — Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer
  The circle of wire on the monkey may also be the habits of life and the attitude of life that you and I have always had, or the restrictive thinking that prevents us from growing. Only people who are seriously ill know the importance of health; Only those who have lost their freedom understand the preciousness of freedom.
  What are you holding back now? Don't let your restrictive beliefs stop you from moving.
  When you have the heart, you can do it.
Soul Whisper Series ✍Little Giver
🌱 改變,總是始於一個天真的夢想、善良的念頭,相信人人都可以 賦予世界一點小改變。 ☯️ 作為心理療癒陪行者,與特殊氣質兒童教育者,希望用人格能量卡牌走進我們的內心深處,改變潛意識中的信念,療癒自己也療癒他人。 🔆 相信內心擁有的正向力量越多,外在得到的支持和善意就越多。
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