In the blue sky, the sun shines. A wagtail of Melaka is singing a song. Girls living in a tropical country have light hearts… I will sing that tender song from heart, for the sake of that memory. Girls living in a tropical country have light hearts… and call to the seashore with this voice, oh, oh…
2006年,英國BBC完成了科學家們的極“恥”實驗 — — 21世紀性愛指南(A Girl’s Guide to 21st Century Sex ,2006。IMDb: tt0906711),整個紀錄片一共8集,每集約30分鐘。這或許是迄今為止,公開發行的最全面的“性”愛全過程。也是第一次借助各類科技手段,對體內的運動全面和詳細的記錄。