更新於 2023/07/18閱讀時間約 5 分鐘

37歲的第二天 The 2nd day of my 37

37歲的第二天,一早起來試著繼續之前讀了一些的Culture Psychology: A once and future discipline, 但是發現他對自己來說太難了,所以將他把回書架,然後開始整理社群媒體的書籤。

The 2nd day of my 37, I tired to continue my study of "Culture Psychology: A once and future discipline," but then later I realized it is too challenged to me. So I put it back to my bookshelf, and started working on the "saved" on my social medias.


When I just started that, in terms of loosing interest to some topics, so I deleted related articles. At the same time, I also realized that it's impossible to tell the full story with just a 1000 words or less. To a reader, it is in the same boat to understand the full context. In other words, the articles from online medias are just a drop in the bucket to a full research.


So I deleted them either.


Then I switched to the English learning reels and posts. I've expected myself to learn sufficient vocabularies by remembering them, but after I found a better platform, I realized that I am actually both a sound and visual learner.


Unsurprisingly, I also ditched these posts and reels.


In the end, I open my file of my news data base, it was built for understanding global issues better. However, since it built up, I never read anything from that, but for it's potentiality, I prefer to keep it.


Hence it became the only existence.

37歲的第二天,7/17,人很慵懶,概覽著床頭櫃上一疊新買的書,聽著BBC 6 Guy Gavey's finest hour 餵我的各種民謠、搖滾、抒情等音樂,坐在這裡寫下我第一篇的37歲田野筆記。

The second day of my 37. 7/17, be a idler, flipping and reading the piles of new book on my chest, listening to whatever BBC 6 Guy Gavey's finest hour feeding me with, indie rock, folk, sentimental, I am writing my first fieldnote of my 37.






I always / long to / go to a place never open / on Monday

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