2024-06-24|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

每日英語 #038: Five Minutes for Health

Five Minutes for Health

A little time can “go a long way” (have great results) in improving or maintaining good health. Take a little time each day to “safeguard” (protect) yourself and your family. Here are some tips to be safe and healthy in five minutes or less.


Being healthy and safe takes “commitment” (willingness to stay with it), but it doesn't have to be “time-consuming” (taking a lot of time), painful, or boring. Most things are simple and take so little time that you'll wonder why you've been “avoiding” (trying not to do) them. Even small steps can mean big rewards in preventing “illness” (being sick) and “injury” (being hurt).


Here are some examples of activities you can do to help protect yourself and your family in five minutes or less:


  • Washing your hands (20 seconds)
  • Putting on your “seatbelt” (belt in a car or other vehicle used to keep you in your seat in case of an accident) (4 seconds)
  • Testing “smoke alarms” (devices placed in a house or building to detect smoke, usually when there is a fire) (10 seconds per alarm)
  • Making a “salad” (food made with vegetables, eaten cold) and eating healthy (2 minutes)
  • Taking the stairs (2 minutes to walk two “flights” (levels))
  • Making a doctor’s appointment (2 minutes)
  • Taking a break (5 minutes)

  • 洗手(20秒)
  • 繫好「安全帶」(汽車或其他交通工具中用於在事故中保持在座位上的帶子)(4秒)
  • 測試「煙霧警報器」(放置在房子或建築物中用於檢測煙霧的裝置,通常在火災時使用)(每個警報器10秒)
  • 製作「沙拉」(用蔬菜製成的食物,冷食)並健康飲食(2分鐘)
  • 走樓梯(走兩「層」(層級)樓梯需2分鐘)
  • 預約醫生(2分鐘)
  • 休息一下(5分鐘)

Other things may take more time, but are worth the effort, such as getting “physical activity” (such as exercise), planting your own vegetables, and preparing healthy meals and “snacks” (small amounts of food eaten between meals).



  • Go a long way /ɡoʊ ə lɔŋ weɪ/ 產生重大影響
  • Safeguard /ˈseɪfˌɡɑrd/ 保護
  • Commitment /kəˈmɪtmənt/ 承諾
  • Time-consuming /ˈtaɪm kənˌsumɪŋ/ 耗時的
  • Avoiding /əˈvɔɪdɪŋ/ 避免
  • Illness /ˈɪlnəs/ 疾病
  • Injury /ˈɪndʒəri/ 傷害
  • Seatbelt /ˈsiːtbɛlt/ 安全帶
  • Smoke alarm /smoʊk əˈlɑrm/ 煙霧警報器
  • Salad /ˈsæləd/ 沙拉
  • Flights /flaɪts/ 層級
  • Physical activity /ˈfɪzɪkəl ækˈtɪvɪti/ 體育活動
  • Snacks /snæks/ 小吃
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