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Cambridge IELTS 20完整Speaking Part 1 + 2 + 3【口說高品質試題預測】

Part 1

Do you prefer to be alone or with others?

I'd say I enjoy a balance of both. While I appreciate time alone for self-reflection and personal hobbies, I also value social interactions. Being with others allows me to share experiences and learn new perspectives. However, I find that I need some solitude to recharge. Ultimately, it depends on my mood and the situation, but I try to maintain a healthy mix of social time and personal space.

What kind of people do you think make good companions?

In my opinion, good companions are those who are trustworthy and supportive. I value friends who are good listeners and can offer honest advice when needed. People with a sense of humor also make great companions, as they can lighten the mood in stressful situations.

Who was your most frequent companion during your childhood?

During my childhood, my most frequent companion was undoubtedly my younger sister. We're only two years apart in age, so we spent a lot of time together growing up. We shared a bedroom, played with the same toys, and often had the same circle of friends. Even though we had our fair share of sibling rivalries, she was always there as a playmate and confidant. Looking back, those experiences really shaped our close relationship that continues to this day.

Do you enjoy having pets as companions?

Absolutely! I've had a cat for five years, and it's been wonderful. Pets offer unconditional love and are great stress-relievers. My cat is quite playful and often makes me laugh with her antics. However, pet ownership comes with responsibilities like feeding and vet visits, which can be challenging.

Part 2

Describe a meaningful activity you enjoy doing with a family member or friend. You should say:
who you do this activity with
what the activity is
how often you do it
why you find this activity meaningful
and explain how this activity affects your relationship with this person.

Wendy, the head of the marketing department, has been my mentor since my first week of working for the company. One day she invited me to do an online course on Coursera, an internationally famous learning platform. We chose a comprehensive digital marketing course that covered various aspects relevant to our work. We committed to spending two evenings a week watching lectures and completing assignments together. This shared learning experience has become incredibly meaningful to me, as it combines professional growth with mentorship. Through this course, I've not only expanded my marketing skills but also gained invaluable insights into strategic thinking from Wendy. Our discussions often extend beyond the course content, touching on how to apply these new concepts to our ongoing projects. This activity has significantly enhanced our mentor-mentee relationship, making our communication more open and productive. Moreover, our initiative has inspired other department heads to start similar mentoring programs, fostering a culture of continuous learning within the company. Overall, this shared learning journey has not only accelerated my professional development but also enriched my career with a meaningful mentorship that I deeply value.
自從我入職第一週起,行銷部門主管 Wendy 就一直是我的導師。有一天,她邀請我在國際知名的學習平台Coursera上一起參加一門線上課程。我們選擇了一門涵蓋多個與我們工作相關方面的全面數位行銷課程。我們承諾每週花兩個晚上一起觀看講座並完成作業。這種共同學習的經歷對我來說變得非常有意義,因為它將專業成長與導師指導結合在一起。通過這門課程,我不僅拓展了我的行銷技能,還從 Wendy 那裡獲得了關於戰略思維的寶貴見解。我們的討論常常超出課程內容,涉及如何將這些新概念應用到我們正在進行的項目中。這項活動顯著增進了我們的導師-學員關係,使我們的溝通更加開放和富有成效。此外,我們的舉措還激勵了其他部門主管開始類似的導師計畫,在公司內部培養了持續學習的文化。總的來說,這段共同學習的旅程不僅加速了我的職業發展,還用一段我深深珍視的有意義的導師關係豐富了我的職涯。

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Part 3

How do you think technology has changed the way families spend time together?

Technology has fundamentally reshaped family interactions, yielding both positive and negative outcomes. On the one hand, it has enabled families separated by distance to maintain close connections through video calls and instant messaging, allowing for more frequent communication. However, it has also created new challenges, such as the phenomenon of 'alone together', where family members might be physically present but mentally disconnected due to individual engagement with devices. Perhaps most significantly, technology has altered the nature of shared activities, with traditional pastimes like board games or outdoor activities often being replaced by co-viewing streaming content or playing multiplayer video games.
  • 結構平衡:開篇點明科技對家庭時間的雙重影響,然後分別闡述正面和負面影響,最後總結一個重要變化,形成完整的論述結構。
  • 多角度分析:涵蓋了遠距離溝通、面對面互動質量、以及活動性質的變化三個方面。
  • 具體例子:提供了具體的技術應用例子(視頻通話、即時通訊)和活動變化(從桌遊到視頻遊戲),使論述更加生動具體。
  • 因果關係:每個影響都解釋了其對家庭互動的具體作用,展示了深入的思考。
  • 社會現象描述:使用 'alone together' 這一社會學概念,展示了對當代社會現象的了解。
  • 對比手法:通過對比傳統活動和現代活動,凸顯了科技帶來的變化。
  • 批判性思考:不僅指出了表面上的變化,還深入分析了這些變化對家庭互動質量的影響。
  • 中立立場:透過平衡描述正面和負面影響,展現了客觀分析的能力。
  • 時間維度:論述涵蓋了過去(傳統活動)、現在(當前挑戰)和未來(持續的影響)。
  • 邏輯連貫:各個論點之間有清晰的邏輯關聯,從遠距離溝通到面對面互動,再到整體活動性質的變化,層層遞進。

In your opinion, what are the challenges of maintaining close relationships in today's fast-paced society?

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The relentless pace of modern life poses significant challenges to maintaining close relationships. To begin with, the demands of work and personal commitments often leave little time for meaningful interactions, leading to superficial connections rather than deep bonds. Moreover, the prevalence of digital communication, while convenient, can sometimes create a false sense of closeness, potentially eroding the quality of face-to-face interactions. However, perhaps the most insidious challenge is the constant pressure to be productive and successful, which can make people view relationships as secondary to career advancement or personal achievements.
  • 結構完整:回答包含主要挑戰的概述,然後詳細闡述了三個具體挑戰,形成了一個邏輯清晰的論述。
  • 多角度分析:涵蓋時間限制、科技影響和社會價值觀三個不同方面的挑戰。
  • 因果關係:每個挑戰都解釋了其對關係的具體影響,展示了深入的思考。
  • 遞進關係:從較明顯的挑戰(時間限制)過渡到更深層的問題(價值觀偏移),體現了分析的深度。
  • 社會洞察:反映了對現代社會特徵(如數位化、競爭壓力)的深刻理解。
  • 批判性思考:不僅指出表面上的問題,還深入分析了潛在的社會價值觀變化。

Do you think it's fair for society to expect employers to ensure their employees have a good work-life balance, including sufficient family time?

While it's commendable for employers to support work-life balance, I don't think it's entirely fair to place this expectation solely on them. Ultimately, individuals should take primary responsibility for managing their time and priorities, including allocating sufficient time for family. However, employers can certainly play a supportive role by implementing flexible work policies and fostering a culture that values personal time, which can indirectly benefit both employees and the company through increased job satisfaction and productivity.
  • 結構完整:回答包含開場立場、理由說明、轉折觀點和深入闡述,形成了一個完整的論述。
  • 立場明確:一開始就表明個人看法,既肯定僱主的作用,又指出期望的局限性。
  • 責任歸屬:強調個人責任的重要性,展示了對問題的深入思考。
  • 平衡觀點:雖然強調個人責任,但也指出僱主可以發揮的作用,體現全面的考慮。
  • 具體建議:提到flexible work policies和culture that values personal time,給出了實際的解決方案。
  • 因果關係:指出良好政策可能帶來的積極結果,展示邏輯思維能力。

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