2024-10-12|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 0 分鐘

檢驗113年學測英文命題大綱,分析題目 (2)

        繼上一篇討論學測克漏字命題的四個大原則:1). 語境 (context)、2). 同義詞/相反詞(lexicon)、3). 文法「一致性」 (agreement)、 4). 配搭詞 (collocation);本篇將繼續分析第一大題「字彙題」的問題。


        如果仔細檢驗「測驗目標」的條目,第一點甚至直截挑明「字詞配搭」(collocation)的「理解與運用能力。」更甚者,第二點也直接點出「上下文意發展」(context)的考核重點。如果整理這七點,由較大的「語用學」框架(pragmatic framework),向內聚攏至「語意學」(semantic framework),最後匯集到「句構學」(syntactic framework)的布局,可以看出整理這份「考核大綱」的編纂委員們的核心思想:以「語用學」為框架,考核學生在「特定語境」中彼此相互關聯的詞彙是否向「特定語意」聚攏,結合「句構學」的知識──文法知識(以「一致性」為主)、相關詞共同出現的現象(co-occurrence)、從文法結構的脈絡中去剖析「論元(arguments)與修飾成分(adjuncts)」──將語言,像是洋蔥那樣,層層剖析。




2. Watching the sun ______ from a sea of clouds is a must-do activity for all visitors to Ali Mountain. (A) emerging (B) flashing (C) rushing (D) floating


Ans. (A)

Anal. 題意:去阿里山看雲海。此語境中,只有「太陽露出」(the sun emerges)符合題意。



3. Do you know what time the next bus is ______? I’ve been waiting here for more than 30 minutes. (A) apt (B) due (C) bound (D) docked


Ans. (B)

Anal. 根據上下文,此處應是說話者「等公車。」


接下來要確定到底是 (B) 到達,抑或(C) 出發。句子中提到「等待」,所以應選(B)。


4. The roasting heat and high ______ made me feel hot and sticky, no matter what I did to cool off. (A) density (B) humidity (C) circulation (D) atmosphere


Ans. (B)

Anal. 標準的「同義詞」掌握。平行結構 “heat and ____” 對應後者 “feeling hot and sticky”: “____” 處選跟 sticky 近義詞「濕溽、濕度」”humidity”



5. Artwork created by truly great artists such as Picasso and Monet will no doubt ______ the test of time. (A) stay (B) take (C) serve (D) stand

Ans. (D)

Anal. 字詞配搭:”stand the test of time” 【經得起時間考驗】

        “Stand” (vi) 站起、經得起。

        E.g. “I can’t stand it anymore” 【再也忍不住了。】



6. In some countries, military service is ______ for men only; women do not have to serve in the military.

(A) forceful (B) realistic (C) compulsory (D) distinctive

Ans. (C)

Anal. “Compulsory” 【義務性的】──標準的字詞配搭題。

選項(A) forceful: expressing opinions strongly 【表達意見上】

        e.g. The opposition leader led a forceful attack on the government . . .



7. The team complained that its leader always took the ______ for all the hard work done by the team members. (A) advantage (B) revenge (C) remedy (D) credit

Ans. (D)

Anal. 字詞配搭:”taking the credit” 【居功】



8. Located at the center of the city, the business hotel ______ not only good service but also convenient public transport.

(A) proposes (B) contains (C) promises (D) confirms

Ans. (C)

Anal. 這題稍難,因為解題的提示「不在文句之中,」而是要仰賴「社交關係」的理解去推敲;需要理解 ”service provider-guest”──服務提供者之於顧客關係:

        The service provider promises something and something . . .

        The guest expects (that they provide) something and something.





The lender: to lend the book

                The borrower: to borrow the book




9. As blood supplies have fallen to a critically low level, many hospitals are making an ______ for the public to donate blood.

(A) appeal (B) approach (C) operation (D) observation

Ans. (A)

Anal. 字詞配搭:”Appeal for blood donation”,或,動詞型:

        e.g. 1. “The hospital urgently appeals to the community to donate blood . . .”

        e.g. 2. “Red Cross is appealing for more blood donors . . .”

        訴求「對人……去幹嘛」”to appeal to (the people) to (donate blood)

        【動員人去做,還沒做,但希望這件事發生:用 “to” 不定詞,表「期待」】

        訴求「得到某物」 “to appeal for something”

        【需要的是「捐贈者本身」,比「期待任何人都可以發揮愛心,『成為捐贈者』」的訴求更直觀;所以用 “for blood donors”】



10. David felt disappointed when he found out that he could not choose his study partners, but would be ______ placed in a study group.

(A) eligibly (B) randomly (C) apparently (D) consequently

Ans. (B)

Anal. 一樣考同義/反義詞理解。

        不能選擇,而是「隨機挑選」(randomly selected)

        (A) eligibly 意指「有資格能獲選/參與」

        E.g. The athlete can eligibly compete in the Olympic Games.

        E.g. The student can eligibly sit the College Entrance Examination.













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