2024-10-23|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 12 分鐘


1. 題目說明與分析


        讓我們來看113年學測的作文。今年的作文出題較為保守:跟111年「公園」的描述文(descriptive paragraph)相比,難度偏低;但跟112年「情緒」解釋文(explanatory paragraph)相比,題目提示更為清楚。比較近三年作文題目:111年最難;112年題目提示最不清楚,最不容易發揮;113年顯然是前一年的變形,一樣是解釋文,但增加下筆的提示字詞。

比較後兩年的題目,113年的第三張圖 “mood swings” 顯然是112年的變體。讓我們試著沿著112年的題目脈絡,來練習構思113年的作文段落。

先看題目提示:段落一聚焦「解決三張圖中的其中一個問題,與說明原因」──what issue, and why;段落二則是「處理該議題需要具備的特質或能力,」(what attributes or abilities the robot has)以及「如何讓機器人分工合作,或彌補不足」(how to cooperate, how the robot complements you, or compensates for your mood instability).


[Paragraph 1]

TS: What issue→ mood swings

SS: Why . . .

CS: This issue has caused a serious problem . . .


[Paragraph 2]

TS: What attributes/abilities the robot has . . .

SS: The robot complements me/compensate for my lack of certain attributes/abilities

CS: (With its help), I will be able to handle my emotional issues


[Para. 1]

(Topic sentence) what issue . . . → Mood swings

(Supportive sentence) Why . . . → “This issue has affected every aspect of my life in terms that . . .”

(Concluding sentence) This issue has become a serious problem that needs to be dealt with; or it has caused a serious problem on something and something


[Para. 2]

(Topic sentence) It would be/is most helpful that my robot assistant has these attributes/these abilities, including . . ., for/because (this kind of ability) is what I lack.

(Supportive sentence) This robot can compensates for my mood instability . . .

(Concluding sentence) Given this/these reason(s), I would like to have a robot to help me (to) tackle this issue/deal with this issue. (With its help), I will be able to better control my emotions.

2. 方向



A mood swing is an extreme or sudden change of mood. Such changes can play a positive or a disruptive part in promoting problem solving and in producing flexible forward planning.


        (1). An extreme or sudden change of mood → mood instability

        (2). Such changes can play a positive or a disruptive part

                (2-1). In promoting problem solving and

                (2-2). In producing flexible forward planning

從(2). Such changes can play either a positive or a disruptive part,本題是可以寫「正面」的方向,對應的機器人幫手則要 “complement me”。有興趣的考生可以自己練習看看。

        筆者從 “a disruptive part” (有破壞性的) 下筆,聚焦在「情緒控制」的議題 (Emotional regulation, or emotional control skills),嘗試寫一篇兩段落的短文:

3. 全文

I have trouble controlling my emotions sometimes. My mood instability has disrupted interpersonal relationships, as I have experienced several communication failures when engaged in club affairs in school. I have received quite a few complaints from my team members in the club about my disruptive behaviors, such as talking over people without thinking, making reckless decisions, and constantly causing anxiety or frustration among the members. My lack of skills in emotional regulation has seriously damaged the team's esprit de corps.

        It helps me to better regulate my mood swings if I possess a robot assistant which has a sensor that can detect sudden or intense mood changes, allowing me to react in time. If the discussion becomes intense, the robot will give me the signal to calm down, to stop talking but listen. When it comes to decision-making, it can warn me not to make impulsive moves. Finally, the robot helper will signal me to relax, when my team members feel stressed or get exasperated as I become excessively energetic or unusually irritable. With the robot assistant’s help, I will be able to monitor my mood swings and better regulate my emotions when interacting with people. (196字)

4. 結構

        [Para. 1] My issue and the reason to tackle it

        1. TS: “My mood swings have damaged interpersonal relationships”

        2. SS: “People complain about my. . .

                2-1. “Talking over people . . .” 【插嘴】

                2-2. “Making reckless decisions” 【衝動決策】

                2-3. “Causing anxiety or frustration among the members”

        3. CS: “My lack of skills in mood controlling damaged team chemistry”


        [Para. 2] The robot assistant I wish for and the way it helps

        1. TS: “A robot assistant that helps me to monitor mood swings”

        2. SS: “It helps me to regulate emotions, when I interact with people”

                2-1. “It signals me to calm down, when the discussion becomes intense”

                2-2. “It warns me off impulsivity”

                2-3. “It signals me to relax, when people feel stressed or get exasperated

        3. CS: “I can monitor my mood changes and better control my emotions when interacting with people”



"Mood swing" [entry]


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