When you believe me
Everything will be sublimated into a magic
There’s no panic in your wonderland
Getting lost in it is not a danger but a farmer
When you believe me
Every time will become a significant client
That’s not the end in your career
Serving as your own timer is a right answer
When you believe me
Everywhere will be hailed as a memorable gift
Lift me up and hold me down
You can play a brilliant sucker
Feeling excited about Easter Eggs could get framed and continued like Taylor
When you believe me
You complete yourself
「When You Believe Me, we will get the hope. 」這樣的信念,一直充斥著我們,得以讓我們繼續為自己的生命發光發熱,得以給別人滿滿的展望。希望讀到這篇的朋友,能夠有滿腔的活力去面對這個世界所持續的紛紛擾擾,一直保持著單純面貌。