
2021/03/29閱讀時間約 6 分鐘
Nowadays many people have access to computers and a large number of children enjoy playing video games.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing video games for children?
With the development of technological innovations, video games tend to be more easily accessible via diverse gadgets, including televisions, computers, laptops and smartphones. It is doubtful whether many people know the effects of video games. In particular, parents have a tendency to accept children who play video games regardless of bad influences.
It is vital to understand that long screen time spent causes emission of radiation and sleeping problems according to medical research of World Health Organization. Another argument put forward is that children addicted to video games and lead to risk of obesity. Some people argue that many video games are amoral due to contents related to violence and pornography. Children may behave aggressively and imitate violent behaviors in real life. Furthermore, high speed media content generates attention problems and decreases frustration of tolerance. Children may be impatient with school performance and day to day social life. They would rather spend time on virtual world and neglect face-to-face social interaction in real life.
This may be true, but it is difficult to live without digital gadgets nowadays. Some video games stimulate gamers with a strong motivation of learning foreign languages in order to play well. Some gaming contents are relevant to historical characters or sports games. It is a powerful platform to facilitate children actively and positively play and learn at the same time. Some people believe that children can enhance problem solving skills through puzzles and levels completed. Moreover, modern video games are designed with strategies for gamers to think outside of the box. Children may become skilled in planning, creativity and decision-making. They can also learn how to collaborate and work as a team while improving their level. Many people agree that playing video games is a good means for entertainment and relieving stress.
There are obvious advantages of video games. It is therefore a good idea to be aware of both positive and negative effects. As for parents, it is important to choose the best fits of age range for children and also pay attention to screen time spent. It is unrealistic to think of banning or prohibiting children in their approach tovideo games. Maximizing the benefits and working together with children is more of a momentous journey.
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