Off Xinjiang|寫新疆

更新於 2021/04/16閱讀時間約 8 分鐘
寫碩士論文的同時,我訪問了哈薩克人權組織Atajurt Kazakh Human Rights的創辦人Serikzhan Bilash,他說我會盡可能幫助妳,唯一的要求是希望妳以後能把哈薩克人正受到中共迫害的事實在中文世界裡宣傳。
與此同時,我打開新的日記本,以Off Xinjiang 為名,記錄了那些證詞裡最讓我印象深刻的人事和我自己的情緒變化。用書寫抵抗遺忘,這是驅動我開始書寫和研究新疆人權危機(種族滅絕)、以及哈薩克人經驗最原始的動力。

Whole writing plan and research project was born out of a controversial (and ridicules) white paper, Historical Matters Concerning Xinjiang, issued by China’s State Council Information Office in the summer of 2019, in which the Chinese government attempted to justify the legitimacy of its network of re-education camps that were being used to detain Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in China’s Xinjiang region.
Today, the Chinese government’s systemic oppression against the cultural and religious practices of millions of Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic minorities in China’s Xinjiang region is no longer a secret. In late 2019, The New York Times and International Consortium of Investigative Journalists co-published hundreds of pages of highly classified Chinese government documents. Since then, the operations manual for administering mass re-education camps in China’s Xinjiang region has slowly come to light, complete with a list of guidelines of how state officials can effectively perform surveillance and engage in predictive policing activities. But above operations beyond the borders of China.
In Kazakhstan, Turkey, and the rest of the world, many China-born ethnic emigrants and those whose friends and relatives are imprisoned in Xinjiang camps have been raising their voices in order to shed light on human rights violations being perpetrated by the Chinese government against their citizens or previous citizens.
However, the voice is not laud enough.
The voice form family members were often coerced not to publicize what was happening under threat of their lost loved one remaining in the camp or region indefinitely.
I always believe that the written personal experiences — in any forms — are the best way to resist for the forgotten and invisible voices from those who have been or are still suffering injustices; and it drives my passion for related academic research and non-academic writing. I named this serious of diary as “Off Xinjiang” as I wish all those who are suffering by the Chinese totalitarian rule could one day get away from the region; and hope those sharing information will generate increased attention on the ongoing violations of human rights both within the Xinjiang region and beyond.
“Off Xinjiang” will be a serious of the diary alongside the process of producing my MA thesis — actually, I am not sure what it will be. It might include critique, summary of the immediate media report, released testimony and evidence, introduction of history and region, or something I believe it is worth to record in my journey through completing an MA degree during the pandemic.
We are all experiencing an unprecedented quarantine, and writing down our anger, afraid, dispersion, and desire for afterwards; but even that, to those who has been detained in the re-education camps and their family, the quarantine will never end.
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
12/23/2009 48 hours off   放了一個假; 辦了一些事. 爬了一座山; 冒了一次險. 拜訪了一位朋友; 喝了一個下午茶. 上了一堂課; 賺了一筆小錢. 最重要的是; 搞清楚一些事情.   原來放兩天假,可以作這麼多事情.
水彩畫是一首以 Indie pop種類的音樂,將水彩互相渲染而成一幅畫的景象,比喻成自身的感情與經驗而誕生的歌曲。這首歌透過青澀的曲風和適合曲風氛圍的歌詞與旋律,表現了相愛的人相遇後互相渲染成一幅畫,並和彼此越來越相似的過程。並且有了夏賢尚感性的聲音參與配合唱,讓這首歌有了更多樣的色彩。
A huge congratulations to the finalists who finished top of their programme in the audience choice votes.
生活實驗 四○九  在飯館,我不喝咖啡 喝咖啡,只單點Latte 看書時,我沒有意見 二個半,我要去接妳 媽媽乖,不偷偷想妳
聖誕夜的前一天,也是忙碌的一天。早上到學校check off (skill test),然後下午會有一堆朋友來家裡party。 我參加的這個nursing program有三種形式:在家視訊上課以及考試; 到學校練習hangs on的技能以及考試,這樣的考試我們稱為check off; 以及到醫院實
사랑에 대해 알려고 하면 如果想了解所謂愛情 야속하게도 더 알 수 없어지고 冷漠無情將更加無法理解 또 사랑에 대해 피하려 하면 當又試圖逃避愛情的話 이상하게 더욱 더 알 수 없어져 反常奇怪將更加無法知曉 아무도 알려주지 않는 沒有任何人告訴的 누구도 알려 줄 순 없는
在生活體驗中孕育的「創意心靈深戲」,更補足了工作中創造活動的活潑能源。因此「創意經濟」人的中心人生信仰是:「業精於勤,更精於嬉」。 「創意經濟」中舉世敬重的達人,日本SONY公司共同創辦人盛田昭夫先生,六十歲起開始打網球,每星期一次從早上七點開始,總是跟SONY的年輕員工對打,一邊打一邊還.....
혼자 편지를 담는 모습을 獨自一人將信紙裝好的身影 이겨내기엔 조금 버거워서 想要克服這些有點費力 오늘의 날짜를 바라보면서 望著今天的日期 오지 않을 것만 같던 날들이 那個彷彿不會到來的日子 마음속 공책 사이에 在心底裡的筆記書頁中 살포시 끼워놓고 있다 輕柔地擺放好 輕柔地擺放好
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
12/23/2009 48 hours off   放了一個假; 辦了一些事. 爬了一座山; 冒了一次險. 拜訪了一位朋友; 喝了一個下午茶. 上了一堂課; 賺了一筆小錢. 最重要的是; 搞清楚一些事情.   原來放兩天假,可以作這麼多事情.
水彩畫是一首以 Indie pop種類的音樂,將水彩互相渲染而成一幅畫的景象,比喻成自身的感情與經驗而誕生的歌曲。這首歌透過青澀的曲風和適合曲風氛圍的歌詞與旋律,表現了相愛的人相遇後互相渲染成一幅畫,並和彼此越來越相似的過程。並且有了夏賢尚感性的聲音參與配合唱,讓這首歌有了更多樣的色彩。
A huge congratulations to the finalists who finished top of their programme in the audience choice votes.
生活實驗 四○九  在飯館,我不喝咖啡 喝咖啡,只單點Latte 看書時,我沒有意見 二個半,我要去接妳 媽媽乖,不偷偷想妳
聖誕夜的前一天,也是忙碌的一天。早上到學校check off (skill test),然後下午會有一堆朋友來家裡party。 我參加的這個nursing program有三種形式:在家視訊上課以及考試; 到學校練習hangs on的技能以及考試,這樣的考試我們稱為check off; 以及到醫院實
사랑에 대해 알려고 하면 如果想了解所謂愛情 야속하게도 더 알 수 없어지고 冷漠無情將更加無法理解 또 사랑에 대해 피하려 하면 當又試圖逃避愛情的話 이상하게 더욱 더 알 수 없어져 反常奇怪將更加無法知曉 아무도 알려주지 않는 沒有任何人告訴的 누구도 알려 줄 순 없는
在生活體驗中孕育的「創意心靈深戲」,更補足了工作中創造活動的活潑能源。因此「創意經濟」人的中心人生信仰是:「業精於勤,更精於嬉」。 「創意經濟」中舉世敬重的達人,日本SONY公司共同創辦人盛田昭夫先生,六十歲起開始打網球,每星期一次從早上七點開始,總是跟SONY的年輕員工對打,一邊打一邊還.....
혼자 편지를 담는 모습을 獨自一人將信紙裝好的身影 이겨내기엔 조금 버거워서 想要克服這些有點費力 오늘의 날짜를 바라보면서 望著今天的日期 오지 않을 것만 같던 날들이 那個彷彿不會到來的日子 마음속 공책 사이에 在心底裡的筆記書頁中 살포시 끼워놓고 있다 輕柔地擺放好 輕柔地擺放好