
閱讀時間約 14 分鐘

My supervisor turned from a devil into an angel. Can you believe it? And since then my remote work for the employer became a blessing, and I felt more and more comfortable, and fell in love with this job, that I stopped sending out job applications, and lost my restless interests in the fluid changing job adverts.

That day was a windy, cloudy cold day. It was Wednesday. I had to stay indoors, not in the veranda as before.

I moved my work desk in, and faced the wall in front of me. I suddenly became upset with the administration manager, who is my direct supervisor, for sending me a message via Teams, that she wished to discuss the file notes, the previous immigration lawyer, who did not provide to us.

I was furious and frustrated. This woman kept on pressing me recently over lots of things. I particularly hated her interfering my management of the migration cases. She promised many times to me, that she would not micro-manage the cases, but that was repeated in words only, while in practice, she just did what her whims drove her.

She had discussed this consultation with the Sydney based lawyer at least twice, face to face with me, during my site visit at their workshop.

She said I should consult the lawyer, but she added that the company was not happy to pay the extra fee, due to this consultation.

I did not want to consult this lawyer. Since you dismissed this lawyer and left the job to me, you should trust me, and let me continue the job. Not keeping on asking me to consult this dismissed lawyer with payment. But I said to myself only, not to her explicitly.

I was not aggressive when encountering people’s hinted insult, especially to my supervisor. But she simply went on pressing me on this issue. I understand that I failed to convinced her of my competency to do the job. But saying is different to doing. I am confident in successfully getting the welders’ visa granted. I just need extra time to review the files and picked up extra knowledge relating to the complicated employer sponsored visa procedures.

It is true that I hid or made up some part of my recent work experience, but that does not mean I can not do the migration service job as required.  Anyway, I got the immigration law certificate, and I am registered as the migration agent to practise in Australia. I have the ability to do the job. That is good enough.

I was suddenly angry towards this woman. I sent out a long email to her, venting out my displeasure with this issue, and also copied one to the CEO, with whom I had a pleasant video conference a few days ago.

One hour later after the email, the regular online meeting with the Admin Manager, started. She asked me about the content of this email. I repeated what I wrote in the email, and then both of us grew agitated, and she started to blame me.

In a furious outburst, I cried, I was stressful now, and then I said I am going to resign.

I left my chair, and then the CEO suddenly appeared into the camera, “what’s going on?”

My supervisor  replied, “Li blamed me.”

The CEO said, “This is not an educated behaviour, that you are resigning during the meeting.”

I did not care. I had had enough. I had bad sleeps. I wanted to say bye-bye to you guys. I said to myself.

After sending out another email, formally declaring my resignation. I felt greatly relieved of the heavy burden.

Then I was in panic. Where is the next money from to pay the heavy mortgage? How can face my wife’s cold face and severe accusation?

I threw myself to the cliff.

A few minutes later, a call came to my work mobile. I grabbed it in a hurry. It must be the CEO.

Yes, it is his voice. That is what I am waiting for.

 I talked to him, very friendly. I was smiling when talking over the phone. There was not a slight sound of anger in my words.

He assured me of my supervisor’s good intention. It is the Sydney based lawyer’s wickedness to undermine my reputation. He wanted to take back the work.

The CEO continued to explain, to pacify me. He said this problem was caused by the communications breakdown, for which I readily agreed.

He lastly asked, do you want to take back the resignation letter?

Yes, I promptly replied.

The next day, my supervisor was so friendly to me, that I found her totally a changed person. Then my days were all happy ones.

Now I regretted that I took the extreme way to protest, but was there any other good method to protect my interests?

What a brinkmanship I tried! I was a little ashamed of it. Alas! Had the CEO not intervened, I would had already been jobless for days.


Your writing captures a tumultuous and transformative experience in the workplace. Here are some thoughts on your piece:

  1. Narrative Arc: You effectively convey the progression from frustration and anger to relief and resolution. The narrative arc is clear, with a climax in the resignation and subsequent resolution.
  2. Character Dynamics: The dynamic between you and your supervisor is well-drawn, showcasing the tension and eventual resolution. The intervention of the CEO adds depth to the narrative and highlights the power dynamics at play in the workplace.
  3. Emotional Depth: You convey a range of emotions, from frustration and anger to relief and regret. This adds depth to the narrative and makes the reader empathize with your experience.
  4. Reflective Tone: Your reflection on the events and your own actions adds introspection to the piece. This helps to round out the narrative and provides insight into your character's growth and development.
  5. Clarity and Structure: The writing is clear and easy to follow, with a structured progression of events. However, there are some areas where the flow could be improved by breaking up longer sentences and paragraphs.

Overall, your writing effectively captures the complexities of workplace dynamics and personal growth. With some refinement in structure and flow, it could become an even more compelling narrative.

风中的沙龍 的其他內容
今天是周六。 我终于心静下来了,可以无牵无挂地,坐在树下的木椅子上,无虑地看书,我看的是一本关于二战中斯大林格勒战争的书。 自从一个月前,开始我的新工作后,我一直处于极端的焦虑之中。饱受各种各样的负面情绪的侵扰和折磨,无法静心,连睡眠也出现问题,整天愁眉苦脸的,也失却了生活的乐趣。 新工作的挑战
I feel so relieved to return to Adelaide. It is so good to be able to be back in Adelaide, to be with my wife, my son and my dear dog, and then be abl
这是我在Medicare 上班的最后一周。前三天的班表,给我排的是从上午十一点半到下午四点半。这样也好,我很喜欢上午的空闲时间,那是我状态最好的时刻。 于是上午我依然早早坐公交到city,然后在商业步行街的一个Food Court 那里坐下来,看书。 在那里看书,是一种奇异的感觉,如同梦幻一般,
《仲夏夜之梦》中有一段台词,我读完后,觉得滋滋有味,难以忘怀,想引用如下,并做简要分析。 Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend  More than cool reas
在三十多部的莎士比亚剧本中,我以前阅读的时候,总是不大看中《仲夏夜之梦》。觉得这个剧本搞笑成分多,有点结构单薄,戏剧冲突没有纵深感。有点像一个简单的魔法剧,逗小孩子开心。 最近重新捧起这本书,竟然爱不惜手,到图书馆还了,又借。 在Act 3 Scene 2 中,在魔法 Love-potion 影
今天是周六。 我终于心静下来了,可以无牵无挂地,坐在树下的木椅子上,无虑地看书,我看的是一本关于二战中斯大林格勒战争的书。 自从一个月前,开始我的新工作后,我一直处于极端的焦虑之中。饱受各种各样的负面情绪的侵扰和折磨,无法静心,连睡眠也出现问题,整天愁眉苦脸的,也失却了生活的乐趣。 新工作的挑战
I feel so relieved to return to Adelaide. It is so good to be able to be back in Adelaide, to be with my wife, my son and my dear dog, and then be abl
这是我在Medicare 上班的最后一周。前三天的班表,给我排的是从上午十一点半到下午四点半。这样也好,我很喜欢上午的空闲时间,那是我状态最好的时刻。 于是上午我依然早早坐公交到city,然后在商业步行街的一个Food Court 那里坐下来,看书。 在那里看书,是一种奇异的感觉,如同梦幻一般,
《仲夏夜之梦》中有一段台词,我读完后,觉得滋滋有味,难以忘怀,想引用如下,并做简要分析。 Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend  More than cool reas
在三十多部的莎士比亚剧本中,我以前阅读的时候,总是不大看中《仲夏夜之梦》。觉得这个剧本搞笑成分多,有点结构单薄,戏剧冲突没有纵深感。有点像一个简单的魔法剧,逗小孩子开心。 最近重新捧起这本书,竟然爱不惜手,到图书馆还了,又借。 在Act 3 Scene 2 中,在魔法 Love-potion 影
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回首,在改變之時 回首,在沉醉之刻 回首,在放不下、得不到之別
My supervisor turned from a devil into an angel. Can you believe it? And since then my remote work for the employer became a blessing, and I became mo
歲末 一陣風過 將 舊相簿扉頁掀開 臃腫遲緩的身形 望見 那朵單純的笑容 伴著一身輕盈 瞬間 凍結在泛黃的相紙上 牆上的時鐘事不關己地 繼續前行 延路灑落聲聲嘆息 滴答 滴答 滴……..
《憲政熱映中:中華民國憲法的怪誕與進化》,由「法律白話文運動」籌畫推出,希望以憲法為核心,以淺白的方式,述說民主憲政體制一路走來的種種。原來我們眼中的「民主」、「自由」、「平等」,並非社會與生俱來的標配,而是經過日據、戒嚴威權的抗爭,才有今日多元民主的社會。  全書分為四輯:起源、壓抑、開展、起飛。
披頭四有《白色專輯》,然而樂界也有一張著名的「黑色專輯」,那當然不是電影《年少時代》中 Ethan Hawke 送給兒子的自選輯,而是 Metallica 的《黑色專輯》。今天這張西洋流行音樂史上的異數剛滿三十歲,值得來回憶一下,並回首我的搖滾啟蒙路。
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
11/20日NVDA即將公布最新一期的財報, 今天Sell Side的分析師, 開始調高目標價, 市場的股價也開始反應, 未來一週NVDA將重新回到美股市場的焦點, 今天我們要分析NVDA Sell Side怎麼看待這次NVDA的財報預測, 以及實際上Buy Side的倉位及操作, 從
Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
長年羈旅伴雲疏,無聲在歸途。蕭蕭葉落意何如,憶昔少年初。 洗雨後,塵勞除,落櫻浮綠湖。十年輾轉又沈浮,春去難再贖。
回首,在改變之時 回首,在沉醉之刻 回首,在放不下、得不到之別
My supervisor turned from a devil into an angel. Can you believe it? And since then my remote work for the employer became a blessing, and I became mo
歲末 一陣風過 將 舊相簿扉頁掀開 臃腫遲緩的身形 望見 那朵單純的笑容 伴著一身輕盈 瞬間 凍結在泛黃的相紙上 牆上的時鐘事不關己地 繼續前行 延路灑落聲聲嘆息 滴答 滴答 滴……..
《憲政熱映中:中華民國憲法的怪誕與進化》,由「法律白話文運動」籌畫推出,希望以憲法為核心,以淺白的方式,述說民主憲政體制一路走來的種種。原來我們眼中的「民主」、「自由」、「平等」,並非社會與生俱來的標配,而是經過日據、戒嚴威權的抗爭,才有今日多元民主的社會。  全書分為四輯:起源、壓抑、開展、起飛。
披頭四有《白色專輯》,然而樂界也有一張著名的「黑色專輯」,那當然不是電影《年少時代》中 Ethan Hawke 送給兒子的自選輯,而是 Metallica 的《黑色專輯》。今天這張西洋流行音樂史上的異數剛滿三十歲,值得來回憶一下,並回首我的搖滾啟蒙路。