也就是說,「聖」其實有 listen, listener, listen in concentration, seems like hear with listing, hear with carefulness 的性質,類似傾聽、傾聽者、聆聽、聆聽者,甚至是傳說中的順風耳、無線轉遞收錄音裝置 (radio)、聲納 (sonar)、挺立而高聳的大耳朵狀雷達......等等。The journalist, scientist......, and some kinds of "-ist", "-er", "-or", "-cian", "-tian", "-tain", "-tect", ...... might be also "聖".
1. 老子:「聖人不仁,以百姓爲芻狗。」-- Listeners not just as same as two people only talking and hearing with each other, but listen to and care about more sounds of all the people even the sounds of small dogs in the great nature. 聖人不是兩個人之間聽聽說說而已,聖人聽的是大自然中所有的聲音,百姓說唱的聲音、小狗吠叫的聲音,對聖人來說,都一樣聽取。
2. 孔子:「聖人立象以盡意,設卦以盡情偽,繫辭焉以盡其言,變而通之以盡利,鼓之舞之以盡神。」-- Listeners establish symbols and make sense the phenomenons to express their meanings, set the analysis principles to tell the truth or fake, link and translate languages with lyrics to collect all the information, think and try to get more clear messages, boost and broadcast them through the electrical radio of audio and visual technology. 聖人建立圖象符號以便盡可能表達事物的意義;設定分析準則以便盡可能分辨資料的真偽;連繫翻譯辭語以便盡可能收集信息和資訊;變化頻率以便盡可能銳利清楚的通訊;鼓舞氣電以便盡可能傳播光電訊號。(P.S. 孔子在這裡所說的聖人比較像是操作資訊處理器或從事資訊收集判讀和通訊傳播的資訊處理者。)
3. 孟子:「大而化之之謂聖。」-- Carefully listening and overall concluding might find the awesome principle or formula from complex information. 謹慎的傾聽觀察、最後纔總括結論,便可能從複雜的資訊和自然的現象中發現事物變化的公理或公式,這就是所謂的聖。(P.S. 孟子所說的聖似乎延續孔子的聖人說,甚至已經得到某種自然規律的重大發現。)
4. 張載:「聖猶天也,故不可階而升。」-- Listeners just like the genius cover and hear overall sounds of what they are studying step by step from the beginning, so normal people cannot immediately reach to their precise level. 聖猶如天才似的,從一開始就一步一步地努力於專注學習的事,像個天罩般含概及聽取所有相關的資訊,所以如果一般人想要突然走一步、登ㄧ階就高升到那個學問精確的程度是不太可能的。(P.S. 這句話似乎有點像發明家 Thomas Alva Edison 的名言:Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration.)