2019-12-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

February 20

【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶
Why be afraid of anything? I AM with you always. I go before you to prepare the way; and it will unfold in true perfection at the right time. You must have faith, and your faith must be strong and rocklike to be able to live this life. Your faith grows stronger when it is put into practice. Faith is not something to be talked about. It has to be lived so that all souls can see that it is not some glorious state of living up into the clouds, but is very real and is something that works in everyday living. It is quite useless to talk about faith or read about it if you do not live by it .It means you have to step off the deep end and swim, not just paddle around in the shallows with your foot on the bottom, pretending to yourself that you can swim. Why not get into action and live this full and glorious life now?
每天給自己 5~10 分鐘的時間,安靜下來,傾聽自己內在的聲音。沈澱、整理自己的生命,也會發現,可以增進自己與上天的聯結。讓我們一起來發現 Opening Doors Within ^_^
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