這個遊戲來自一項研究實驗,認知心理學家彼得.華生(Peter C. Wason) 稱之為「2-4-6任務」。研究結果顯示,能完成任務,即猜中規則的參與者很少,只有約21%。這個結果著實令人驚訝❶。為何成功完成任務的比例這麼少呢?大部份實驗參與者解謎時,會直覺上先形成假設(hypothesis),例如﹕「規則是三個連續的雙數」。
出處﹕The study was called “On the failure to eliminate hypotheses in a conceptual task” (Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 12: 129-140, 1960) The challenge above is based on a classic experiment due to Peter Wason, the 2-4-6 task. Although subjects given this task typically expressed high confidence in their guesses, only 21% of the subjects successfully guessed the experimenter’s real rule, and replications since then have continued to show success rates of around 20%. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/07/03/upshot/a-quick-puzzle-to-test-your-problem-solving.html
原文﹕We do everything to eliminate our theories, for we ourselves should like to discover those theories that are false (P.10)…We are always learning a whole host of things through falsification. (P.13) All Life is Problem Solving by Karl Popper (Routledge, 1999)