|課程教授:Laurie Santos |課程重點:得到想要,真的會比較快樂嗎?
|課程來源:Coursera The Science of well-being
If only I had _____ , I would be so happy.
你可以填上你想要填入的單字,接下來會探討,空白處是否能增加人們的快樂。 這點多數人第一個念頭會想到“金錢”,耶魯大學的學生可能會想到“成績”或是“工作”,購買自己喜歡的東西,有些人可能會覺得的“愛情”,我們大腦給的第一個答案,會是快樂的來源嗎?
補充資料:Perfect Grades
Levine et al.(2012).Accuracy and artifact: Reexamining the intensity bias in affective forecasting. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(4), 584-605.
This paper tells us people overestimate how they will feel about certain grades - but the paper also suggests that inaccurately predicting future emotion may be a flaw in the research procedure in which people predict one thing but are later asked to report another 課程來源:coursera