When the once in 100 years pandemic shuts everything down and the income stream from the investment ceases to pay off the loans, the good times can quickly turn very bad. The Automotive Industry is a classic case in point.
當百年一見的(once in a 100 years)全球疫情(pandemic)讓一切都像按了停機鈕(shuts everything down),投資(investment)帶來的(from)收入金流(income stream)已不能(ceases to)償還貸款(pay off the loans)的時候,好景(the good times)可能會迅速急轉直下(quickly turn very bad)。汽車業(automotive industry)就是一個典型的(classic)恰當例子(case in point)。
once in 100 years [wʌns ɪn ə ˈhʌndrəd jɪəz]
有沒有發現「百年一見」的英文其實很簡單,寫once(一次) in 100 years(在百年內)就好了,你也可以加上連字號變成once-in-100-years,據我的調查,其中的year後面有人會加上s,也有人不會,自己隨喜。
Australian leader warns coronavirus outbreak is a 'once-in-100-year' crisis.
There is an opportunity(機會), a once in 100 years kind(種類) of chance(機會), to empower(賦予力量、壯大) our generation(世代).