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善用高階英文詞彙,讓你的面試表現驚艷面試官| Joyce的職場視界#1022

constructive work 建設性的工作 periodical work 週期性的工作 The constructive work could be time consuming, yet it is very significant. 建設性的工作可能會很費時間,但卻非常重要。 This part of work is periodical, I would have to deal with it every December. 這部分工作是週期性的,每年十二月我都得處理。
domestic work 辦公室內的工作 administrative work 行政的工作 I also help people do some domestic and administrative work sometimes. 我有時也會幫同事處理一些行政事務性的工作。
heavy work, rough work 繁重繁雜的工作 dirty work 大家排斥不討喜的工作 No one likes to chase the late payment from customers since it is a dirty work. 沒有人喜歡追討客戶的滯納金,畢竟這是一個麻煩的工作。
collected work 要收集資料的工作 early work 事前準備的工作 proofread work 校稿的工作 regular work, daily work 日常的工作 I have to finish the proofread work before every 5th of the month. 我必須在每個月的5號之前完成校對工作。
network 人際關係的工作 I don’t really enjoy these business dinners, but it is a good opportunity to do some networking. 我不太喜歡這種商務晚宴,但這是一個很好的機會,來建立人脈並且進行一些交流。
extra work 額外的工作 critical work 重點的工作 licensed work 需要執照的工作 The critical work for this project would be the negotiating part. 這個專案的關鍵工作部分是談判。
upbeat, bright, cheerful, lively, optimistic 活潑的、樂觀的、快樂的 如果應徵的是個主管職位,以下例句可以運用: I am always cheerful and optimistic when working with others. 在與他人合作時,我總是開朗樂觀。I often set an upbeat mood for the team. 我經常為團隊樹立一個樂觀的情緒。
dependable, reliable, trustworthy可信賴的 重視團隊精神的公司,就會喜歡這樣的員工,不過,別忘了準備案例來證明自己的說法: I consider myself a dependable employee. My boss commented once that I am his reliable teammate. 我認為自己是一個可靠的員工。我的老闆曾說,我是他可靠的隊友。
courageous, bold, forward-thinking, forward-looking 大膽的、有遠見的 有長遠的眼光是必要的,然而,同樣的,需要準備好一些過去的案例或小故事證明自己的論點: It was courageous of me to make the move that time. 那次我很勇敢地做出了這個行動。 I try to be forward-thinking when planning for the future. 我在規劃未來的時候,盡量做到高瞻遠矚。
determined, goal-oriented, strong-willed 清楚目標的、目標導向的 I am determined to get my work done before the deadline. 我都能在截止日期前完成我的工作。 I am a goal-oriented person. I work hard to achieve the targets I set for myself. 我是一個目標導向的人,透過認真工作來實現我為自己設定的目標。
systematic, methodic, decisive有方法的 specific, particularized, definite, certain 特定的 I had some definite opinions regarding this topic. 對於這個議題,我有一些具體的看法。
elaborate, comprehensive, extensive, universal全面的 公關媒體人,一定會需要這樣的例句: I made the most elaborate preparation for that event. 為了這次活動,我做了最完整且精心的規劃。 The event received extensive coverage in the media. 這次活動得到了媒體的廣泛報導。
practical, proficient, competent 有能力的、實際經驗的 I was competent at my previous job since practical experience is always an advantage. 我在之前的工作中勝任愉快,因為實際的經驗永遠是個優勢。
remarkable, extraordinary, exceptional 絕佳的 That was a remarkable and extraordinary occurrence. 這是一個很棒的經驗。
powerful, dynamic, vigorous 生動的、強大的 advantageous, beneficial, profitable, productive 有益處的 There had been vigorous opposition to my proposal for the new idea. However, I explained the beneficial effects to my boss attentively. 對於我提出的新想法,曾有過激烈的反對。 不過,我很仔細地向老闆解釋了其中的優勢與好處。
九宮格學英文 - 4月高階詞彙
版權所有 © 2021 Deborah Chiang Copyright © 2021 Deborah Chiang
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