5月2日,No. 122,近義詞:詐欺瞞哄騙
DECEIVE implies imposing a false idea or belief that causes ignorance, bewilderment, or helplessness. tried to
deceive me about the cost
MISLEAD implies a leading astray that may or may not be intentional. I was
misled by the confusing sign
DELUDE implies deceiving so thoroughly as to obscure the truth. we were
deluded into thinking we were safe
BEGUILE stresses the use of charm and persuasion in deceiving. was
beguiled by false promises
LIE is the blunt term, imputing dishonesty.
lied about where he had been
PREVARICATEsoftens the bluntness of
LIE by implying quibbling or confusing the issue. during the hearings the witness did his best to
prevaricate EQUIVOCATE implies using words having more than one sense so as to seem to say one thing but intend another.
equivocated endlessly in an attempt tomislead her inquisitors
PALTER implies making unreliable statements of fact or intention or insincere promises. a swindler
paltering with his investors
FIB applies to a telling of a trivial untruth.
fibbed about the price of the new suit
#dailymrps #mrps20210502 #每日猜招 #vocabulary #synonym #weeklysynonym #近義詞 #beguile #deceive #delude #mislead #fib #lie #equivoate #palter #prevaricate #英文學習 #認知語言學