My Way To Get Away Bad Emotion

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Hello everyone this is my first time post in blog, and in my essay, I will write my idea and life experience, okay now start the story.
my drawings
Everyone all have some time that we will get in down, sometimes the down will let you get upset, for example, when you get an ideal job, and you thought that your whole life will be up and bright and everything will be better than before, however, not everything will think like you do, you actually get in the ideal job, but in that team, you didn’t get any achievement. Moreover, because you are a freshman, so you are not familiar in that team and don’t know their ways to solve that provlem. In this time, you thought about that everything is out of control and get to feel upset.
But now think about it
How you get away the emotion that you feel down?
Just take the above story as an example , you get in the job, and everything is out of control to you so there have some ways to get away the emotion in this situation.
The first way is just ignoring the emotion, I know that everyone will say that this is not the best way to solve the problem, but I could tell you that maybe this is not the best way but it works. When you ignore the emotion, you will not enlarge that emotion, and in this way, the time will help you to wrap out the emotion, maybe after 1–2days you will forget about this emotion.
The second way is that look forward to your problem and write down your thinking. In this situation, what thing make you feel down, the problem that you don’t have solve in your job, and the conversation with your colleague. In this way, the thing you only can do is to more interact and ask your colleague, and abstract their experience and idea to make use and be you own style, and in this method the most warning is even this is not your comfortable area, you also need to get out the comfort zone.
The third way is the opposite to the first method, in this way, you need to care and warn about the feeling, and the more you care the better you solve the emotion. This is the riskiest way to help you get away the emotion. Do you have that experience, when you get in very down emotion, and you just so sad that you fall asleep , and in the next day, you start to figure out that why you get down and you also think that problem is not that big enough, and sometimes even you have already thought an solution to solve the problem.
In this situation, we have 3 ways to sole, but what if we do not in this situation?
Then I want to tell you that when you are not in this situation, I also have some ways to help you get the emotion away
One is Take a look from this way, it is similar to the above way, the way is cry out as loud as you could, this therapy is similar to something you want the stressed up, when you get in many stressed, someone will want to go to the top mountain or the highest floor to yell about it and this principle is similar, when you are in down emotion, why not just release the emotion out. I don’t want to listen to that man cannot cry or cry is a coward behavior, everyone all have the weakness point, so why not just release it out
Another way is that change the emotion and focus on another thing that you are interest. Change the emotion and start to do other your interest will also help you get out the emotion easily. And when you back to that problem, you sometimes will think a solution.
The last way is accepting the emotion, and go straight about the problem, in this way is also similar to the above way, but the different is that you need to think rationality and maintain neutral. in this way, you not only use your sight to look forward the emotion, you also use another person way to look forward the emotion. In this sight, you will be easily to solve and understand the problem, and sometimes the emotion will get way easily.
Everything and problem you thought is not that big, maybe 2 days later you look back, you will start to confuse that why you thought that problem that hard and big. Your life has many long times that will get some trouble in. sometimes is family, sometimes is job, or sometime sis relationship, so not to soak in that trouble, you need to be brave and go straight, every trouble will help you grow in any way.

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今天這篇文章我想要分享一個轉化負面情緒的小技巧。 當你遇到糟糕的事情打壞了你的心情,比如說在交友軟體上遇到不順心的事。你第一件要做的事情是把這件事在心裡打上一個標籤,最簡單就是打上「我真的超不爽」標籤。第二件事情是關注這個情緒,去觀察這個情緒在你身上造成的作用,比如說讓你連飯都吃不下去,或者不想去
在我們的生活中,每個人都有自己的特長與極限。如果我們總是想要去做那些自己做不到的事情,那會給自己帶來無盡的痛苦與煩惱。我們需要學會放過自己,放下心中多餘的情緒,減少給自己的內耗,才能獲得真正的平靜與快樂。 有許多的情緒其實都是多餘的,它們就像一把刀,一寸寸地割傷我們的心。而這些情緒,往往都是我們自
今天的情緒管理 這幾天心情一直低落,好像壓着一團憤怒的火焰,不知道該如何排解。每個人的情緒處理方式都不盡相同,或許我需要找到適合自己的方法。 這個下午,我再次感受到了強烈的情緒湧上心頭。這次不同的是,我試着回憶起以前自己是如何排解這種情緒的。 排解憤怒的步行之旅 那段時間,我心中充滿了憤怒。
對於不愉快的經驗,我們很自然地會想要擺脫、去除或希望它趕快過去甚至消失,然而,當你願意真實地面對自己的處境和需求時,加上適當的情感釋放,你會得到最大的療癒,因為這種行動會在情感、心理和心靈層面上帶來深刻的轉變和助益 人們經常會遇到各種情緒和處境,有些可能是挑戰性的,有些可能是令人困擾的,當我們
心情莫名的低落了起來,看啥都不順眼,我承認我心情不好了,但我能怎麼做呢?找個娃娃狠插它幾下。我覺得我挺需要的。😂🤣😂🤣 每個人都有情緒低落的時候,這是正常的人類經驗。重要的是要找到適合自己的應對機制,並在必要時尋求支持。 當心情低落時,採取一些積極的策略可以幫助你提振情緒。以下是一些建議
今天這篇文章我想要分享一個轉化負面情緒的小技巧。 當你遇到糟糕的事情打壞了你的心情,比如說在交友軟體上遇到不順心的事。你第一件要做的事情是把這件事在心裡打上一個標籤,最簡單就是打上「我真的超不爽」標籤。第二件事情是關注這個情緒,去觀察這個情緒在你身上造成的作用,比如說讓你連飯都吃不下去,或者不想去
在我們的生活中,每個人都有自己的特長與極限。如果我們總是想要去做那些自己做不到的事情,那會給自己帶來無盡的痛苦與煩惱。我們需要學會放過自己,放下心中多餘的情緒,減少給自己的內耗,才能獲得真正的平靜與快樂。 有許多的情緒其實都是多餘的,它們就像一把刀,一寸寸地割傷我們的心。而這些情緒,往往都是我們自
今天的情緒管理 這幾天心情一直低落,好像壓着一團憤怒的火焰,不知道該如何排解。每個人的情緒處理方式都不盡相同,或許我需要找到適合自己的方法。 這個下午,我再次感受到了強烈的情緒湧上心頭。這次不同的是,我試着回憶起以前自己是如何排解這種情緒的。 排解憤怒的步行之旅 那段時間,我心中充滿了憤怒。
對於不愉快的經驗,我們很自然地會想要擺脫、去除或希望它趕快過去甚至消失,然而,當你願意真實地面對自己的處境和需求時,加上適當的情感釋放,你會得到最大的療癒,因為這種行動會在情感、心理和心靈層面上帶來深刻的轉變和助益 人們經常會遇到各種情緒和處境,有些可能是挑戰性的,有些可能是令人困擾的,當我們
心情莫名的低落了起來,看啥都不順眼,我承認我心情不好了,但我能怎麼做呢?找個娃娃狠插它幾下。我覺得我挺需要的。😂🤣😂🤣 每個人都有情緒低落的時候,這是正常的人類經驗。重要的是要找到適合自己的應對機制,並在必要時尋求支持。 當心情低落時,採取一些積極的策略可以幫助你提振情緒。以下是一些建議