更新於 2022/03/18閱讀時間約 5 分鐘


一半的 Generator(生產者)是情緒化的。這就是挫折的情緒化。這是一碗濃湯,我們幾乎無法通過。你所能做的就是沿著你的幾何線,看看它把你帶到哪裡。
它是一個接一個的。一個接一個的情緒化的人,來瞭解作為一個情緒化的人意味著什麼。這是一個巨大的轉變,不是自私的,因為每一個轉變自己的情感人都會轉變環境的一部分。任何進入他們 Aura(能量場)的人都會受到影響。所需要的只是慢慢接受去制約的時間。
There is no way to master your emotional system. It is much more powerful then you are. You can’t make it do what you want. It is fun to look at all this stuff and understand how it works. This doesn’t mean you can change it. The point is to be clear, both for defined (clear of their own emotions) and undefined (clear of the emotions of others).
Those that have gone through a seven year de-conditioning process have a level of smoothness in the vibration of the wave they put out into the consciousness field. An open emotional being encountering this wave recognizes this is a wave that doesn’t have to be avoided. It doesn’t trigger that. It is where every emotional being has a right to be.
Emotional beings are here to know the pain and pleasure of need, passion and desire. To be correct when you ratchet, snap, spike, lock, crash and explode. Then it’s not just right for the individual, but for all those that have to deal with that being. Emotional beings are told in any analysis of their design to only trust what you feel. It is important to recognize that the awake emotional being transforms the planet we live on and changes the frequency.
Half the generators are emotional. This is the emotionalization of frustration. It is a thick soup that we can barely get through. All you can do is follow your line of geometry and see where it takes you.
It’s one by one. One emotional person at a time coming to grips with what it means to be an emotional being. This is an enormous transformation that is not selfish because every emotional being that transforms themselves transforms a piece of the environment. Anyone that comes into their aura is affected. All it takes is a slow acceptance of the time it takes for de-conditioning.
~ Ra Uru Hu
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