2022-06-12|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘

3.人為什麼容易生氣 Why do people get angry easily?

  19世紀法國浪漫主義大文豪亞歷山大·仲馬(法語:Alexandre Dumas)的經典語錄:「憂鬱是因為自己無能,煩惱是由於欲望得不到滿足,暴躁是一種虛怯的表現。」
” Melancholy is because of oneself incompetence, worry is because desire is not satisfied, irritable is a kind of empty expression.”。
攝影師:Oleksandr Pidvalnyi
攝影師:Oleksandr Pidvalnyi

Why do people get angry easily?

  If you get angry a lot, do you want to find the real reason and change yourself?
Dumas once said, "You have to control your emotions, otherwise your emotions will control you."
  There is a person who often loses his temper and gets angry when he encounters a slight encounter.
  Whenever he gets angry, he thinks it is caused by someone else. To change his irritable mood, he decided to live in seclusion in the mountains and cultivate himself alone in the mountains.
  One day, he went to the river with a clay pot to fill the water and accidentally spilled the jar filled with water, and the water was spilled. He had to go to the river again to fill the water, but this time halfway through the water overturned, and in one breath, he smashed the whole jar.
  When he looked at the clay pot that had been smashed and could not be used, he realized: "Before, I thought that I was angry because of others, but now I am alone, I can have such a big temper, so it can be seen that irritable emotions are born from my own heart." 」
A classic quote by the 19th-century French romantic writer Alexandre Dumas:
“Melancholy is due to one's incompetence, annoyance is due to unfulfilled desires, and irritability is a manifestation of timidity. ”
  When we want to regain our peace of mind, we need to carefully examine the reasons and look at our hearts, and only when we find ourselves to be the root of the problem will we not blame others for our mistakes.
小賦婆心靈小語系列✍little giver
🌱 改變,總是始於一個天真的夢想、善良的念頭,相信人人都可以 賦予世界一點小改變。 ☯️ 作為心理療癒陪行者,與特殊氣質兒童教育者,希望用人格能量卡牌走進我們的內心深處,改變潛意識中的信念,療癒自己也療癒他人。 🔆 相信內心擁有的正向力量越多,外在得到的支持和善意就越多。
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