更新於 2024/10/13閱讀時間約 6 分鐘

21 Older-Sasha Alex Sloan

Producer-King Henry, Danny Silberstein & Sasha Alex Sloan The hardships of growing up with parents who fought and realized that sometimes love isn't always perfect. Released-November 9, 2018-Album-Loser


I used to shut my door While my mother screamed in the kitchen I'd turn the music up Get high and try not to listen To every little fight Cause neither one was right
I swore I'd never be like them But I was just a kid back then
The older I get, the more that I see My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me And loving is hard, it don't always work You just try your best not to get hurt I used to be mad, but now I know Sometimes it's better to let someone go It just hadn't hit me yet The older I get
I used to wonder why Why they could never be happy I used to close my eyes And pray for a whole another family Where everything was fine One that felt like mine
I swore I'd never be like them But I was just a kid back then
The older I get, the more that I see My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me And loving is hard, it don't always work You just try your best not to get hurt I used to be mad, but now I know Sometimes it's better to let someone go It just hadn't hit me yet The older I get
The older I get, the more that I see My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me And loving is hard, it don't always work You just try your best not to get hurt I used to be mad, but now I know Sometimes it's better to let someone go It just hadn't hit me yet The older I get
FAVORITE LINE I'd turn the music up, get high and try not to listen.
歌詞說著小時候家裡常發生的爭吵,似乎沒有一件事情稱心如意。 長大了以後,發現原來父母不是英雄;愛,也不是什麼輕而易舉的事。 我們似乎只能盡力的不讓自己受傷,或是避免成為自己不喜歡的樣子。

爭執,各執己見,不肯相讓。 從小到大身邊總是有大大小小的爭執,有時候甚至雙方都沒有明顯的過錯,卻因為相互不理解,或是態度稍顯不佳,就可以吵個一整天。
面對這種狀況,尤其當自己或是親人是事件當事人的時候,我總是感覺非常的無力。 畢竟,這樣的爭執真的得不到什麼好處,不願意違背自己的想法又希望得到對方的理解(潛台詞就是想要維持自己的姿態Status),最後總是白白浪費漫長的時間,卻什麼也沒解決。

單以溝通的程序來說,溝通就可以分成七個部分個別做討論。 第一部分,發訊,將所要表達的訊息傳遞出去,是整個溝通程序的起點。 第二部分,編碼,將訊息以各種不同形式進行傳遞,可以是文字、聲音或影像。 第三部分,通路,訊息傳遞的方法,可以是面對面、文書或是簡訊。 第四部份,收訊,收訊者接收訊息。 第五部分,解碼,收訊端解讀接收到的訊息,可能是不同語言或是術語的轉換。 第六部分,回饋,這時候收訊者轉換成發訊者,將接收到的訊息回饋給原發訊者,從而確認接收到的訊息是不是能夠得到充分的理解。 第七部分,干擾,不再溝通迴圈內的重要因素,但其足以影響前面六個部分,因而不可忽視。
光是剖析溝通的程序,就可以看出,這真的是非常繁瑣的過程呢! 今天還是簡單說說為什麼要溝通就好。
我認為,溝通最主要的意義是「嘗試理解」。 當我們進行溝通,就能夠讓更多的人,能夠知曉自己的想法;甚至,我們可以跟自己溝通,藉此來更多的理解自己的狀況。

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