2024-04-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 35 分鐘



### 第一部分:我究竟為誰而活?(第1-7天)

### Part 1: What On Earth Am I Here For? (Days 1-7)

#### 第1天:萬物皆由神開始

#### Day 1: It All Starts with God

- 欣賞創造的奧秘與神的大能。

- Appreciate the mystery of creation and God's omnipotence.

#### 第2天:你的存在絕非偶然

#### Day 2: You Are Not an Accident

- 探討個人存在的獨特意義。

- Explore the unique meaning of individual existence.

#### 第3天:什麼在主導你的人生?

#### Day 3: What Drives Your Life?

- 分析影響我們生活決策和方向的因素。

- Analyze the factors and choices that influence our lives.

#### 第4天:為永恒而創造

#### Day 4: Created for Eternity

- 理解時間與永恒的關係。

- Understand the relationship between time and eternity.

#### 第5天:從神的觀點看人生

#### Day 5: Seeing Life from God’s View

- 學習如何以神的視角看待人生。

- Learn to view life from God's perspective.

#### 第6天:人生是一項暫時性的任務

#### Day 6: Life Is a Temporary Assignment

- 深入理解人生的暫時性與天國的永恆性。

- Deeply understand the temporariness of life and the eternity of heaven.

#### 第7天:所有一切的緣由

#### Day 7: The Reason for Everything

- 總結生命的目的和來自神的呼召。

- Summarize the purpose of life and God's calling.

### 第二部分:為神家而活(第8-14天)

### Part 2: Formed for God's Family (Days 8-14)

#### 第8天:被造是為讨神喜悦

#### Day 8: Created to Please God

- 探討如何透過生活討神喜悅。

- Explore how to live a life that pleases God.

#### 第9天:什么事令神欢喜?

#### Day 9: What Makes God Smile?

- 瞭解神的心意和喜悦的事。

- Understand God's will and what pleases Him.

#### 第10天:敬拜的中心?

#### Day 10: The Heart of Worship

- 深入探討敬拜的真諦和中心。

- Delve into the true essence and heart of worship.

#### 第11天:成为神的挚友

#### Day 11: Becoming God's Best Friend

- 瞭解與神建立深厚關係的重要性。

- Understand the importance of building a deep relationship with God.

#### 第12天:与神建立深厚的友谊

#### Day 12: Developing Your Friendship with God

- 深化與神的關係,學習信靠與順服。

- Deepen your relationship with God, learning trust and obedience.

#### 第13天:讨神喜悦的敬拜

#### Day 13: Worship That Pleases God

- 學習在日常生活中實踐讓神喜悅的敬拜。

- Learn to practice worship that pleases God in everyday life.

#### 第14天:当神似乎远离

#### Day 14: When God Seems Distant

- 面對困難和試煉時如何感受到神的同在。

- How to feel God's presence in times of difficulty and trial.

### 第三部分:你被造是為了像基督(第15-21天)

### Part 3: Created to Become Like Christ (Days 15-21)

#### 第15天:我是为神的家而造

#### Day 15: Formed for God's Family

- 認識自己在神家中的角色與使命。

- Recognize your role and mission in God's family.

#### 第16天:最重要的事

#### Day 16: What Matters Most

- 確定人生中的優先順序與價值觀。

- Determine the priorities and values in life.

#### 第17天:有所归属

#### Day 17: A Place to Belong

- 探討在基督的身體中尋找屬靈家庭的意義。

- Discuss the significance of finding a spiritual family in the body of Christ.

#### 第18天:一起经历生命

#### Day 18: Experiencing Life Together

- 學習如何與其他信徒共享生命經歷。

- Learn how to share life experiences with other believers.

#### 第19天:耕耘群体生活

#### Day 19: Cultivating Community Life

- 瞭解在教會群體中一起成長的重要性。

- Understand the importance of growing together in the church community.

#### 第20天:重建破裂的团契生活

#### Day 20: Restoring Broken Fellowship

- 面對和解決教會中的關係問題和衝突。

- Face and resolve relationship issues and conflicts in the church.

#### 第21天:维护你的教会

#### Day 21: Protecting Your Church

- 探討如何愛護和保護教會,使其成為健康的屬靈家庭。

- Discuss how to love and protect the church to make it a healthy spiritual family.

### 第四部分:為服事神而


### Part 4: Shaped for Serving God (Days 22-28)

#### 第22天:被造是为了像基督

#### Day 22: Created to Become Like Christ

- 探討成為基督樣式的過程與意義。

- Discuss the process and significance of becoming like Christ.

#### 第23天:如何成长

#### Day 23: How We Grow

- 瞭解屬靈成長的途徑與方法。

- Understand the paths and methods of spiritual growth.

#### 第24天:真理使我们蜕变

#### Day 24: Transformed by Truth

- 瞭解真理對個人生命轉化的力量。

- Understand the power of truth to transform individual lives.

#### 第25天:苦难使我们蜕变

#### Day 25: Transformed by Trouble

- 探討在苦難中成長和學習的經歷。

- Discuss the experience of growing and learning through suffering.

#### 第26天:在试探中成长

#### Day 26: Growing Through Temptation

- 瞭解如何在面對試探與挑戰時持守信仰。

- Understand how to maintain faith when facing temptations and challenges.

#### 第27天:战胜试探

#### Day 27: Defeating Temptation

- 學習如何識別並抵擋各種試探。

- Learn how to identify and resist various temptations.

#### 第28天:成长需要时间

#### Day 28: It Takes Time to Grow

- 認識屬靈成長是一個持續的過程。

- Recognize that spiritual growth is an ongoing process.

### 第五部分:為一個使命而被造(第29-40天)

### Part 5: Made for a Mission (Days 29-40)

#### 第29天:接受你的任命

#### Day 29: Accepting Your Assignment

- 瞭解上帝對每個人的獨特呼召與使命。

- Understand God's unique calling and mission for each person.

#### 第30天:被塑造是为服事神

#### Day 30: Shaped for Serving God

- 探討上帝如何透過我們的生命經歷塑造我們服事的恩賜。

- Discuss how God shapes us for service through our life experiences.

#### 第31天:了解你的特色

#### Day 31: Understanding Your Shape

- 深入瞭解自己的恩賜、性格、能力、經歷和興趣(SHAPE)。

- Deeply understand your gifts, personality, abilities, experiences, and interests (SHAPE).

#### 第32天:使用神给你的一切

#### Day 32: Using What God Gave You

- 探討如何有效運用神賜予的資源服事他人。

- Explore how to effectively use the resources God has given you to serve others.

#### 第33天:真仆人的行为

#### Day 33: How Real Servants Act

- 瞭解仆人式領袖的特質和行為。

- Understand the characteristics and behavior of servant leaders.

#### 第34天:仆人的思维

#### Day 34: Thinking Like a Servant

- 探討基督式仆人的心態和價值觀。

- Discuss the mindset and values of a Christ-like servant.

#### 第35天:神的大能彰显在你的软弱上

#### Day 35: God’s Power in Your Weakness

- 瞭解在自己的軟弱中經歷神的大能。

- Understand experiencing God's power in your weakness.

#### 第36天:为使命而被造

#### Day 36: Made for a Mission

- 深入理解個人使命的意義和重要性。

- Deeply understand the significance and importance of personal mission.

#### 第37天:分享你的人生信息

#### Day 37: Sharing Your Life Message

- 學習如何透過個人經歷分享福音。

- Learn how to share the gospel through personal experiences.

#### 第38天:作个世界级的基督徒

#### Day 38: Becoming a World-Class Christian

- 瞭解在全球化背景下活出基督信仰的意義。

- Understand the meaning of living out Christian faith in a globalized context.

#### 第39天:平衡你的生命

#### Day 39: Balancing Your Life

- 學習如何在屬靈、情感、身體及社會各方面達到平衡。

- Learn how to achieve balance in spiritual, emotional, physical, and social aspects.

#### 第40天:目的导向的人生

#### Day 40: Living a Purpose-Driven Life

- 總結課程,重申生活目的和神的呼召。

- Summarize the course, reaffirming the purpose of life and God's calling.


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