更新於 2024/04/23閱讀時間約 15 分鐘

LiveGood體重管理新品上市!! 全球首創!! 也是唯一一款身體組成改善配方 LEAN!!

美國好市多推出會員制減肥計劃。每季$179.00美元,可享藥物折扣。相較之下美商LiveGood僅需$9.95美元,最熱門的全天然體重管理系統,Body Composition Improvement Formula會員價只需不到$20美元!!




➡️ 免費註冊 ⬅去看看「LiveGood之旅導覽」吧!




雖然飲食和運動對我們健康的各個方面都很重要,但體重管理遠遠不止這兩種方法。 這就是為什麼大多數體重管理產品無法達到效果的原因。

大多數體重管理產品和系統只針對一個主要目標: 抑制你的食慾,減少卡路里的攝取。 雖然這在短期內可能會有幫助,但它並不可持續,也無法解決許多人真正掙扎的問題。 這就是為什麼我們很多人嘗試了多種產品,卻只得到了令人失望的結果。

這就是為什麼,我們創建了世界上第一款!!也是唯一一款身體組成改善配方 LEAN!!

LEAN 解決了四個絕對關鍵的流程,幫助您實現快速持久的成果!


新陳代謝緩慢會燃燒更少的卡路里,這意味著更多的卡路里會以脂肪的形式儲存在體內。 這就是為什麼許多人僅僅透過減少卡路里攝取就很難減肥的原因。 提高新陳代謝可以更快地燃燒卡路里,這將幫助你更快地燃燒脂肪,而不會反彈! 這是成功體重管理過程的關鍵第一步。 LEAN 富含最高品質的成分,如維生素B12、綠茶萃取物、左旋肉鹼、7 種消化酵素和巴西金合歡,所有這些成分都旨在幫助提高新陳代謝,讓你的身體準備好燃燒額外的脂肪 !


眾所周知,管理體重最重要的關鍵是燃燒掉的卡路里,要比攝入的卡路里更多。 LEAN 含有4 種超強大的成分,旨在抑制你的渴望和抑制你的食慾,包括葡甘露聚醣/Glucomannan,它會在你的胃裡膨脹讓你感覺飽腹,印度仙人掌/Caralluma Fimbriata,世界上最強大的天然 食慾抑制劑之一,腰豆/Kidney bean萃取物可以抑制你的食慾和減少腹部脂肪,以及我們的紐西蘭啤酒花/New Zealand Hops extract萃取物,它可以作用於GLP-1受體,以抑制渴望並燃燒脂肪!


在體重管理方面,我們希望燃燒頑固的脂肪,同時保護我們的瘦肌肉質量。 這正是大多數體重管理產品,完全失敗的地方。 這也就是為什麼我們添加了非常重要的成分,如鉻,幫助增加瘦肌肉質量,以及被廣泛研究且是最有力的成分之一的黃連素/Berberine HCI,可以改善身體的體重指數,同時幫助燃燒脂肪。



許多人在專注管理體重時,完全忽視身體其他部位的健康,這使他們容易出現其他健康問題,這些問題不僅需要其他產品來解決,還會大大減慢體重管理的結果。 因此,除了這麼多的優異成分之外,我們還添加了共軛亞麻酸/Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)粉末,不僅可以減少現有的脂肪沉積,還可以改善免疫功能和反應!







➡️ 免費註冊 ⬅去看看「LiveGood之旅導覽」吧!


When it comes to weight management, many people measure their results primarily by how much weight they have lost.  But maintaining a healthy weight requires MUCH MORE than just looking at a number on the scale!

In addition, most people will tell you it takes two things to manage weight; eat less, and move more.

And while diet and exercise are important to every aspect of our health, managing your weight goes FAR beyond just those two things.  And that’s where most weight management products fall short.

Most weight management products and systems address just ONE primary objective; suppress your appetite to consume less calories.  While this may help in the short term, it’s not sustainable, and doesn’t address the real issues that so many people struggle with.  That's why so many of us have tried multiple products just to experience the same disappointing results.

That’s why we created the world’s FIRST AND ONLY Body Composition Improvement Formula:  LEAN!

LEAN addresses ALL FOUR processes that are absolutely CRUCIAL to help you achieve FAST RESULTS that will LAST LONG TERM!

1. INCREASING YOUR METABOLISM – A slow metabolism burns fewer calories, which means more get stored as fat in the body.  That’s why many people have difficulty losing weight just by cutting calories.  Increasing your metabolism burns calories much faster, which will help you burn fat faster without it coming back!  This is a crucial first step to a successful weight management process.  And LEAN is PACKED with highest quality ingredients like Vitamin B12, Green Tea Extract, L-Carnitine, ALL 7 Digestive Enzymes, and Cha De Bugre all designed to help increase your metabolism to get your body ready to shed that extra fat!

2. EATING LESS – It’s no secret that the biggest key to managing weight is burning more calories than you consume.  LEAN has 4 super powerful ingredients designed to curb your cravings and suppress your appetite, including Glucomannan that expands in your stomach to help you feel full, Caralluma Fimbriata, one of the world’s most powerful natural appetite suppressants, Kidney Bean Extract to suppress your appetite and decrease abdominal fat, and our New Zealand Hops extract that works on the GLP-1 receptor to curb cravings and burn fat!

3. BURNING FAT – When it comes to managing weight, we want to burn that stubborn fat, while at the same time protect our lean muscle mass.  This is where most weight management products completely fail.  And that’s why we’ve added important ingredients like Chromium to help increase lean muscle mass and Barberine HCI, one of the most highly studied and most powerful ingredients, to improve body mass index while helping to burn fat.

4.  IMMUNE SYSTEM SUPPORT -  So many people completely ignore the health of the rest of their body, while focusing on managing weight, which leaves them susceptible to other health problems that not only have to be addressed with other products, but can also significantly slow down weight management results.  That’s why, in addition to many of the other amazing ingredients, we’ve also included Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Powder designed to not only reduce existing fat deposits, but also to improve immune function and response!

LiveGood’s LEAN Body Composition Improvement Formula is the most POWERFUL and COMPLETE weight management product ever created!

Cruelty FreeGluten FreeGMP CertifiedKeto FriendlyNon GMONut FreeSoy FreeThird Party TestedVeganSugar FreePeanuts FreeShellfish FreeEgg FreeLactose FreeBSE FreeTSE FreePreservative FreePaleo FriendlyGelatin FreeArtificial Color Free


Take 2 capsules by mouth 30 minutes before meals. 

BEST taken EVERYDAY because many of these important ingredients must reach a steady state concentration in the body, for maximum results, it’s best to take two capsules 3 times per day.

Disclosure Statement丨

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




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