更新於 2024/08/14閱讀時間約 14 分鐘


  • 此系列內容來自詹姆斯.克利爾的免費郵件課程,使用其著作《Atomic Habits 原子習慣》的理論基礎,旨在30天內提供以下的資訊:
    V 消除習慣養成中可能產生的任何疑問
    V 獲得採取行動所需的工具與策略
    V 學習任何習慣養成都能適用的架構
  • 這章再次提及環境對於習慣培養的重要性,強調「如果沒有一個合適的環境,人們很難採取行動」,我個人是認同的,我在越南宿舍的房間就在健身房的正上方,以地理環境來說,是最好建立健身習慣的所在,但搬進這房間快要兩年,我還是沒辦法鍛鍊出每天、甚至每週跑步的習慣。

Prime Your Environment to Make Future Habits Easy

Lesson 6 of 11

Prime Your Environment to Make Future Habits Easy

Sometimes readers ask me if it’s better to focus on one habit at a time or to build multiple habits. My answer is nearly always to focus on one habit. Not only is this simpler, but it also addresses an often overlooked aspect of habit formation: when you’re building one habit, you’re often building multiple habits.

Take the habit of eating healthier. There are actually a variety of habits involved in this process. You have to build the habit of going to the grocery store and shopping for new items, the habit of meal planning and deciding what to eat each week, the habit of chopping and prepping food each night, the habit of cleaning up after the meal, and so on. Eating a healthy meal is actually the easiest part. It’s often the preparation that causes you to quit. 

This is true for many habits – not just eating healthy. One way to increase the odds that your habits will be performed is to walk into an environment that is ready for the habit. 
I call this strategy “priming the environment.” That is, creating an environment that favors the habit that you’re trying to build. 

Environment design, as we discussed in Lesson 4, makes the cues of good habits more obvious. Reducing friction, as discussed in Lesson 5, makes performing habits in the moment easier. 
Priming the environment adds one more layer: it’s a way to make your future habits easier. 

Here are some examples:

  • Want to meditate more? Set up a comfortable, quiet place in your home where you practice meditation. 
  • Want to encourage your children to read more? Help them make a reading nook in their bedroom with some comfy pillows and plenty of age-appropriate reading material. 
  • Want to paint more? Set up your easel, paints, and brushes beforehand so you can walk in and get straight to work. 
  • Want to sleep better and develop a wind-down routine? Move your phone charger out of the bedroom and place a white noise machine, your favorite candle, and a couple of books on your nightstand. 


  • 你想要花更多時間冥想?在家裡準備一個舒適的、安靜的空間,讓你可以好好冥想
  • 你想要鼓勵孩子多閱讀?幫他們在寢室裡用舒適的抱枕及適合他們年紀的讀物鋪個「閱讀小角落」
  • 你想要多畫一點作品?事先預備好你的畫架、顏料及筆刷,你就可以立刻上手作業(*如果是電繪,就是準備好電繪版、電繪筆,和一套適合電繪的桌椅)
  • 你想要增進睡眠品質,建立比較緩和的日常步調?將你的手機充電器拿出寢室,在床頭櫃上放一台白噪音機、你最喜歡的蠟燭和一些書(*若不青睞白噪音,或許也能放台藍芽音響播綠鋼琴等)

Whenever you organize a space for its intended purpose, you are priming it to make your future actions easy. Now your environment is ready for immediate use the next time around. 
Whether we are approaching behavior change as an individual, a parent, a coach, or a leader, we should ask ourselves the same questions: “How can we design a world where it’s easy to do what’s right? How can we prime our environments so our future habits are easier?” 
Ideally, the actions that matter most should also be the actions that are easiest to do.

Week 2 Summary

  • If you want to make a habit a big part of your life, you need to make the cue a big part of your environment.
  • The less friction associated with a habit, the more likely it is to occur. Create an environment where doing the right thing is as easy as possible. You want to make your good habits the path of least resistance.
  • One way to increase the odds that your habits will be performed is to walk into an environment that is ready for the habit. Whenever you organize a space for its intended purpose, you are priming it to make your future actions easy. 

Week 2 Progress Check-In

  • It is now the end of the second week. At this point, you have a two-minute habit, a clear plan for where and when to add that habit into your life, and a series of small environmental changes that make it easier to stick to your habit each day. 

That's all for Lesson 6. See you in the next lesson,

James Clear
Author of Atomic Habits and keynote speaker​


  • 如果你想要將習慣變成生活重要的一部分,你需要將(這個習慣的)提示變成生活重要的一部分。
  • 通往習慣的道路上有越少阻力,你就越有可能去實踐它。創造一個能越容易做正確的事越好的環境,你想要將好習慣的養成建立在一條最少阻力的康莊大道上。
  • 增進實踐你的習慣的機會之一在於,親自走訪已經準備好迎接那個習慣的環境。一旦你為特定目的準備好空間,你就能優化它讓未來的實踐更加容易。


  • 來到第二週的尾聲。在這個時刻,你有了兩分鐘習慣、一個明確將習慣融入日常作息的「何時何地」計畫,以及一系列微小卻能讓習慣養成更容易的環境改變



​Helpful bonuses and downloads

  • Workbook – This 18-page PDF includes an action checklist (including templates for key strategies) for each lesson of the course, plus lesson summaries and a key terms dictionary. 
  • Examples Database – The examples database is a Google Sheet of 140+ examples of how to implement each strategy covered in this course for dozens of different habits. 

References and further reading

  • For more on priming the environment, see Chapter 12 of Atomic Habits.


  • Workbook – 這是一份18頁的PDF檔,內容包括一份每一堂課的行動檢查表(內有關鍵策略的範本),加上課程統整與專有名詞辭典。
  • Examples Database – 這是一個內有超過140個策略應用實例的Google表單,每個策略都適用於數十種不同的習慣培養。 


  • 更多環境優化的詳細說明,請參見《原子習慣》第12章

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