Critical Thinking... 什麼鬼?

2019/08/18閱讀時間約 9 分鐘

-澳洲執照申請新制Behaviour Assessment, 強調Cognitive test, 跟Critical Thinking 習習相關!

澳洲、美國、英國.... 西方的Nursing School 都非常強調一個“技能”, skill, -- Critical Thinking. 在學校裡老師老是在說:你們要培養critical thiking、要有critical thinking 的能力...... 考試的時候(尤其是技術考),老師也會說:告訴我,妳的critical thinking 是什麼?
但是學校很少會告訴妳怎麼做?甚至沒有說critical thinking的定義是什麼?
最氣人的是考完後分數很低,甚至被fail要重考,理由是: No/Little critilca thinking demonstrated. 臨床實習打分數,也有這一項,而且也一樣會因為這一項被 at risk, 或是fail!但是... 但是... critical thinking 怎麼這麼抽象?到底怎樣做才算有demonstrate critical thinking?????
英語不是母語和不是在西方國家受護理訓練的人,千萬不要覺得自己比較吃虧,因為土生土長、說英文的澳洲學生,一樣會苦著臉問:「怎樣是critical thinking??」
每次有新學生開始實習時,在第一次的debrif裡我都會對學生說:「Critical thinking is always mentioned in your training. Critical thinking is a part of your assessment. You ARE expected to demonstrate and perform your critical thinkg while working as a nurse. But, you must be wondering, what on earth is critical thinking? How do I build up critical thinking?」學生每次聽到我這樣說,只有兩種反應:一種是帶著迫切的表情猛點頭;另一種就是一把抓住我的手臂哀求說~Yes! Yes! How do I do that??
The National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking (什麼?竟然有這種機構..)給critical thinking下的定義是:
Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness.

很多人把Critical Thinking和Decision Making搞混。

學生(甚至已經在工作的clinical nurse)會說:我哪裡沒有critical thinking? 因為病人...., 所以我做了.....。這就是我的critical thinking啊!
但多數的情況是,那只是decision making, 而不是critical thinking.

文章副標題說到-- 澳洲新的執照申請制度要考cognitive test, “Cognitive”這個字就是Critical Thinking的關鍵!

”Critical Thinking”,只要學會4步驟:
本篇內容共 3880 字、1 則留言,僅發佈於澳洲護理執照、工作、留學與移民
台灣與澳洲註冊護理師。現任澳洲醫院教育訓練負責人、感染控制與作業安全經理、臨床導師、大學與機構講師、專欄作者,Reea International Consulting and Training創辦人。 商周.com專欄:二花小姐澳洲教育手札 良醫健康網專欄:澳客護理師