
更新於 2021/07/29閱讀時間約 9 分鐘
Some people don’t believe in religion. Why?
In most countries of the world, the effects of religions are well known. Many customs have been inherited in accordance with religious traditions, such as Ghost festivals in Asia and Christmas decorations in the Christian world. There is no doubt that huge impacts on social orders are based on religious doctrines. This is because people believe in a higher power and obey the rules written on religious scriptures. It is vital to understand that religions sometimes are more influential than laws and orders while regularizing the public’s behaviors. However, there is a tendency that religious affiliation has been declining, especially in the United States. It seems that some people turn to look for spirituality, rather than attach to one single religion.
With development of science and medicine, some people argue that God does not exist. It is superstitious to comply with religious traditions. The higher power is not beneficial to society. Science is the only solution for improving human beings’ lives. In addition to technology, it has been advanced in every aspect of life. Another major argument is that religious groups tend to be another form of huge corporations. Lots of scandals have been released on the news, including sexual abuse, corruptions, and pursuit of profits from the collection of followers’ donations. Not to mentions that some wars resulted from religious conflicts and caused mass injuries and deaths. Furthermore, due to political power control, religious freedom is restricted in China. According to the rules of Chinese Communist Party (CCP), every aspect of religious life, from the formation of groups and daily activities involving worship and prayer, all of which need to be approved by the government authorities. It prioritized the CCP’s ideology and way of life before any religious faiths. Loyalty to the CCP is considered as the one and only belief for Chinese people. These are the reasons why some people do not believe in religion.
Yet, all the religions tell us to be a good person in spite of diverse roots with different stories. Human beings are so tiny in terms of the whole universe. Scientific results are not unshakable facts which might be challenged by the latest research. For example, in the old days, people believed that the earth was flat, but it was proved wrong. There are so much unknown and indecipherable in the universe. Physicists discovered that only 4% visible substance could be proved. This means 96% could not be verified by science. Human beings cannot become a higher authority in the name of ever-changing science and technology. People need to acknowledge living in harmony with nature and to be humble. Thanks to commitment to a higher power, having faith plays an important role in stabilizing the hearts and minds, not only of an individual, but also of society. In addition, customs and traditions are connections to family bonding and to social life. Many people agree that religious groups are the most neutral institutions to be involved with charity across the borders.
In conclusion, I believe that to learn how to differentiate from superstitions and religious philosophies is a critical lesson in the modern society. So many scholars and religious representatives had worked and passed on the wisdom of Gods. Ethical values have been endorsed in any form of scriptures, paintings, sculptures, and any symbolic architectures. Religions have become part of culture and history around the world since the ancient times. There is always the danger of denying or vanishing the past significant assets. The meaning of being alive should not be pursuit of fortune only.
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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
宮壇、廟宇的主神從頭到尾都是同一個主神嗎? 其實不是,主神是會更動或更換的, 例如千歲、觀音、帝君、太子爺、母娘、濟公.....管轄的宮廟(宮壇、廟宇), 這些神明的封號其實在人間只是一種職稱與職位, 主神領令下來救世、濟世、救人,等到功德圓滿任務結束, 就會高升調職走人了。 下來救世、濟世、救人
在台灣宗教信仰相當自由,許多人或家庭都會安奉家神, 許多人遇到難題或問題,心中有所祈求,也會求助宮廟佛寺,祈求神佛幫忙庇祐, 當拜拜時是否想過這些家神,神明從何而來?跟人間到底有什麼關係? 許多人也許會回答"阿哉",反正就是跟家神有緣?跟宮廟佛寺的神佛有緣? 拜祂們覺得有受到庇佑或覺得有受到幫忙照顧
信眾去大廟拜拜,誠心誠意去拜拜最重要, 而不是要花費多少金錢,多少貢品或燒多少金紙才算有誠心、有誠意, 神明會不會幫忙,會不會處理所祈求之事,神明自會去裁決、考量, 求神拜佛應有的常識、認知,以及所求之事是否靈驗? 1、心誠則靈: 信眾信神幾分,神就幫忙幾分。
台灣到處都是宮壇、廟宇,到處都供奉很多神明 每種神明的數量並非那麼多 許多宮廟其真正的主神其實都是同一尊 也就是說,例如千歲、母娘或觀音的廟宇或宮壇 雖然主神都是千歲、王母或觀音 可是每個主神管轄的廟宇或宮壇,其實數量都非常多 尤其是有在辦事的宮廟 下來起駕辦事的主神並非真正的主神下來辦事
安家神或家中供奉神尊、菩薩、法尊 只是代表這個家受到供奉的神明保護及庇祐 或被納入神明的管轄巡邏勢力範圍 同時成為家中心靈及保祐的寄託 神明、神佛都是來來去去,不會一直呆在家中或金身裡 (整天都呆在金身裡,那神明都不用做事幹活了,想想也知道不可能) 有事或定時才會過來巡視或派兵將、兵員過來巡視
名為匱乏的黑洞 漸漸地將我吞噬 還不夠!還不夠!還不夠! 像是罪人般跪在地上接受無名的王與民眾的審判 名為憂鬱的惡魔 用黑色的火焰將我包圍  燒死他!燒死他!燒死他! 彷彿獵巫般,失去理智的民眾恨不得那人趕緊消失  
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
宮壇、廟宇的主神從頭到尾都是同一個主神嗎? 其實不是,主神是會更動或更換的, 例如千歲、觀音、帝君、太子爺、母娘、濟公.....管轄的宮廟(宮壇、廟宇), 這些神明的封號其實在人間只是一種職稱與職位, 主神領令下來救世、濟世、救人,等到功德圓滿任務結束, 就會高升調職走人了。 下來救世、濟世、救人
在台灣宗教信仰相當自由,許多人或家庭都會安奉家神, 許多人遇到難題或問題,心中有所祈求,也會求助宮廟佛寺,祈求神佛幫忙庇祐, 當拜拜時是否想過這些家神,神明從何而來?跟人間到底有什麼關係? 許多人也許會回答"阿哉",反正就是跟家神有緣?跟宮廟佛寺的神佛有緣? 拜祂們覺得有受到庇佑或覺得有受到幫忙照顧
信眾去大廟拜拜,誠心誠意去拜拜最重要, 而不是要花費多少金錢,多少貢品或燒多少金紙才算有誠心、有誠意, 神明會不會幫忙,會不會處理所祈求之事,神明自會去裁決、考量, 求神拜佛應有的常識、認知,以及所求之事是否靈驗? 1、心誠則靈: 信眾信神幾分,神就幫忙幾分。
台灣到處都是宮壇、廟宇,到處都供奉很多神明 每種神明的數量並非那麼多 許多宮廟其真正的主神其實都是同一尊 也就是說,例如千歲、母娘或觀音的廟宇或宮壇 雖然主神都是千歲、王母或觀音 可是每個主神管轄的廟宇或宮壇,其實數量都非常多 尤其是有在辦事的宮廟 下來起駕辦事的主神並非真正的主神下來辦事
安家神或家中供奉神尊、菩薩、法尊 只是代表這個家受到供奉的神明保護及庇祐 或被納入神明的管轄巡邏勢力範圍 同時成為家中心靈及保祐的寄託 神明、神佛都是來來去去,不會一直呆在家中或金身裡 (整天都呆在金身裡,那神明都不用做事幹活了,想想也知道不可能) 有事或定時才會過來巡視或派兵將、兵員過來巡視
名為匱乏的黑洞 漸漸地將我吞噬 還不夠!還不夠!還不夠! 像是罪人般跪在地上接受無名的王與民眾的審判 名為憂鬱的惡魔 用黑色的火焰將我包圍  燒死他!燒死他!燒死他! 彷彿獵巫般,失去理智的民眾恨不得那人趕緊消失