企業文化的僵化更是一大問題。老闆們還信奉「加班等於敬業」,不敢提早下班,怕被貼上「不認真」的標籤。這種文化到底追求的是效率還是形式?政府也不是毫無作為,彈性工時、遠距政策,聽起來很美,但執行呢? 只見文件,不見行動。新加坡、日本早已試行四天工作制,台灣呢?還在等什麼?
文化的改變,更需從敢說「不」開始。健康與效率,才是企業的生存之道。 不再把工時長短當成績效指標,這樣的文化只會逼死更多人才。公開數據,揭露壓榨文化,讓企業知道,壓榨員工也會付出代價。
【Rethinking Taiwan’s Work Culture: Confronting the Overwork Crisis】
Taiwan is facing a silent yet brutal workplace crisis. While Japan, South Korea, and China are often spotlighted for their overwork culture, Taiwan is no exception. Here, a "grin and bear it" mentality has become the norm, pushing many into an endless spiral of overwork without even realizing it.
In Asia, the average workweek stretches to 49 hours, with Taiwan not far behind at 46 hours—one of the longest globally. Some may call it "dedication," but let’s be honest: it’s closer to a slow death sentence. Even though Taiwan’s labor laws specify limits on working hours, companies often exploit "responsibility systems" to force employees into unpaid overtime. Worse yet, these practices are disguised under terms like "happy workplace," but in reality, it’s just "sophisticated exploitation".
In 2023, Japan reported 54 deaths linked to overwork, and while Taiwan lacks comprehensive data, news reports of similar tragedies are far from rare. The core issue isn’t just long hours—it’s a workplace culture where "saying no" feels impossible.
And when young people opt to "lie flat" and reject toxic work cultures, can we really blame them? China’s younger generations are already rejecting the notorious "996" work model (9 am to 9 pm, 6 days a week). Taiwanese youth are waking up too: "Why should I work myself to death when I can’t even afford a home?" When hard work no longer guarantees a better future, shouldn't we question what kind of society we’ve created for them?
Taiwan’s economy is built on manufacturing, but that’s no excuse for dragging our feet on reform. Globally, flexible work schedules and remote jobs are becoming the norm—so why is Taiwan still stuck in the past? Europe thrives on creative industries and work-life balance, while Taiwan clings to outdated notions of labor. Are Taiwanese lives really worth less than European ones?
The rigidity of corporate culture is another major issue. Too many bosses still equate "long hours" with "dedication," creating an atmosphere where employees are afraid to leave on time, fearing they’ll be labeled lazy. The government isn’t entirely inactive—policies promoting flexible hours and remote work sound good on paper. But where’s the real action? While Singapore and Japan are already piloting four-day workweeks, Taiwan is still... waiting? Waiting for what? A miracle?
Change starts with saying "no." Health and productivity—not clocked hours—should be the true measures of success. We need to expose exploitative work cultures and hold companies accountable. If they exploit employees, they must face consequences.
Workplace health is not optional. Health checks and mental health support must be standard practice. It’s not about companies staging a "health day" for PR photos; it’s about real, ongoing support that helps employees manage stress and seek help when needed. Employees are a company’s most valuable asset. If their health is sacrificed, what future can any business expect?
If Taiwan’s overwork problem isn’t tackled head-on, the nation’s future will be stuck in a quagmire. Real change requires systemic reform and cultural shifts. Let’s stop romanticizing overwork as "dedication" and stop hiding behind the excuse of "Asian culture." Overwork isn’t destiny—it’s a choice. And choosing change is the only way to give the next generation a future worth fighting for.