Moreover, Subhuti, a Bodhisattva who gives a gift should not be supported by a thing, nor should he be supported anywhere.
When he gives gifts he should not be supported by sight objects, nor by sounds, smells, tastes, touchables, or mind-objects.
or, Subhuti, the Bodhisattva, the great being should give gifts in such a way that he is not supported by the notion of a sign.
是的,須菩提!菩薩應該要用這樣子的方式來布施,直到他到達 (空無一物的) 不受到任何概念認知所束縛的境地為止。
And why? Because the heap of merit of that Bodhi-being, who unsupported gives a gift, is not easy to measure.
為什麼呢?因為,須菩提!如果菩提眾生的布施,能夠不受到任何的概念認知所束縛,那麼他所得到的福德積聚 (的回報) 不可限量。
What do you think, Subhuti, is the extent of space in the East easy to measure?” Subhuti replied: No indeed, O Lord.
試著想想看,須菩提!往前方 (也就是我們現在所面對的東方) 直直向前去,那空間的大小,可以測量嗎?」須菩提回答:「不可能的,世尊!」
The Lord asked: In like manner, is it easy to measure the extent of space in the South, West or North, downwards, upwards, in the intermediate directions, in all the ten directions all round? Subhuti replied: No indeed, O Lord.
世尊又問:「同樣地,右 (南)、後 (西)、左 (北)、下、上、中、週十方的空間大小,可以測量嗎?」須菩提回答:「不可能的,世尊!」
The Lord said: Even so the heap of merit of that Bodhibeing who unsupported gives a gift is not easy to measure. That is why, Subhuti, those who have set out in the Bodhisattva-vehicle, should give gifts without being supported by the notion of a sign.
世尊說:「對的!對的!須菩提!的確是如此!如果菩薩的布施能夠不佇留在任何現象,也不受到任何的概念認知所束縛,那麼,須菩提!他所得到的福德積聚 (的回報),也是不可測量的。所以,須菩提!開始實行乘菩薩乘的人,應該依照剛才所說的方式布施,以到達 (空無一物的) 不受任何概念認知所束縛的境地。(這是因為,『空』,所以才能夠含容萬事萬物;無限的事物都存在於『空』裡面,而不是沒有。此『空』,指的是『第一義空』)。」